I am studying a bachelor's degree in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Federal University of Paraíba. Definitely a passionate Python and data guy who really enjoys solving problems and watching Formula 1.
class Davirpp(Data_Scientist):
def __init__(self):
self.username = 'davirpp'
self.name = 'Davi Ribeiro'
self.role = ['Data Scientist', 'Data Analyst', 'Analytics Engineer']
self.language_spoken = ['pt_BR', 'en_US']
self.code = ['Python', 'SQL', 'C', 'C++', 'Julia']
self.python_libs = ['Pandas', 'Numpy', 'Matplotlib', 'Scikit-Learn', 'TensorFlow',
'Keras', 'Pytorch', 'PySpark']
self.database = ['MySQL', 'PostgreSQL', 'SQLite']
self.tools = ['Jupyter', 'Power BI', 'Git', 'Notion', 'Office', 'Spark', 'Databricks', 'Airflow']
self.cloud = ['AWS', 'GCP']
self.interests = ['Data Science', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Machine Learning',
'Deep Learning', 'Math and Statistic', 'Operational Research']
def say_hi(self):
print('Thanks for dropping by, hope you find some of my work interesting.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
me = Davirpp()