Pets Classifieds
This is an iPhone app for listing ads about Pets. One can find two groups namely Server & Client. The Server group contains a class ECService which mocks service calls. This singleton class provides two services - getting the list of Pet ads and updating any particular Pet detail.
The client has been built based on MVC design pattern. The PetData is the model class consisting of few important attributes of each Pet. The view class is Main.storyboard consisting of master-detail views embedded in navigation controllers. The controller has two view controllers - one for the Master view and another for the Detail view.
The app fetches the pet list on launch showing the activity progress indicator. Tapping on any item from the Master screen opens the Detail screen which has 3 fields - Name, Price and Contact. Each of these 3 fields can be edited. Once edited, user can just tap on the back button to initiate update service. No ‘save’ button has been provided to give the user the feeling of seamlessness between editing & saving the edited data. Once in Master screen, user can refresh by tapping on the refresh button. This simply re-fetches the updated pet list.