Country REST API
This is a REST API project that includes JWT Token Authentication, Pagination, and Filtering features. It does not use any database and is built using Java 17 and the following technologies:
Using Into this Project 1.IntelliJ IDEA 2.Postman 3.Maven Porject 17 (i did not use any database)
To run this project, follow these steps:
- Clone the project to your local machine.
- Open it in your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as IntelliJ IDEA or Spring Tool Suite (STS).
- Add the project as an existing Maven project in your IDE.
- The project should automatically download all required dependencies.
- Try to run the project.
following technologies:
- Spring Security for Authentication
- JWT Token for Access Control
- RestTemplate for making external API calls
- Logging In (Getting JWT Token)
- Endpoint: POST Request - localhost:8081/api/credential/login
- **Request Body:json { "username": "deepak123", "password": "deepak" } or { "username":"kumar123", "password":"kumar" } (i add to user only) It will return a JWT token.
Get Country by country name Endpoint: GET Request -localhost:8081/api/country/{name}
like:-'localhost:8081/api/country/eesti' {name}-pass country name Authorization: Choose "Bearer Token" and pass the token obtained during login. If the token is valid, it will return the result.
Getting All Country Details by Filter and Pagination Endpoint: GET Request - localhost:8081/api/country/filter/{field name}/{sortOrder}/{page}/{pageSize} like :- localhost:8081/api/country/filter/languages/asc/1/10
field-name-> languages,area,population sortOrder->asc,desc For ascending order, use "asc" for sortOrder. For descending order, use "desc" for sortOrder.
Authorization: Choose "Bearer Token" and pass the token obtained during login. If the token is valid, it will return the result. Or Alternatively, you can also use form-data in the request body with the following parameters: Endpoint: GET Request -> localhost:8081/api/country/filter pass into boyd form data -> sortBy: population sortOrder: asc or desc page: 1 pageSize: 4
- Getting All Country Details Endpoint: GET Request - localhost:8081/api/country Authorization: Choose "Bearer Token" and pass the token obtained during login. If the token is valid, it will return the result. Thanks You!