deepstream storage connector for elasticsearch
This connector uses the npm elasticsearch package. Please have a look there for detailed options.
name: elasticsearch
host: 'localhost:9200'
index: 'someIndex'
defaultType: 'someType'
splitChar: '/'
indexSettings: '
"number_of_shards" : 1
indexMappings: '
"type1" : {
"properties" : {
"field1" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" }
//The host that elasticsearch should use
host: 'localhost:9200',
//(Optional, no default). The authentication to elasticsearch
auth: 'user:password',
username: 'user'
password: 'password'
//(Optional, defaults to 'deepstream'). This is the index in elasticsearch,
//using database for consistency across all plugins.
index: 'someIndex',
//(Optional, defaults to 'deepstream_records'). This is the type in elasticsearch,
//using table for consistency across all plugins
defaultType: 'someType',
//(Optional, defaults to 1000). This is the ping timeout used
//when doing the initial ping to ensure the connection is setup correctly
pingTimeout: 200,
/* (Optional) A character that's used as part of the
* record names to split it into a tabel and an id part, e.g.
* books/dream-of-the-red-chamber
* would create a type called 'books' and store the record under the name
* 'dream-of-the-red-chamber'
splitChar: '/'
/* (Optional) Index settings:
indexSettings: {
number_of_shards: 1
/* (Optional) Index mapping:
indexMappings: {
type1: {
properties: {
field1: {
type: 'string',
index: 'not_analyzed'
var Deepstream = require( '' ),
ElasticSearchStorageConnector = require( '' ),
server = new Deepstream();
server.set( 'storage', new ElasticSearchStorageConnector( {
host: 'localhost:9200',
splitChar: '/'