A JavaScript SDK for the Lyra Protocol. Wraps around Ethers.js. Works in the web browser and Node.js.
yarn add @lyrafinance/lyra-js
Read Lyra's market data.
import Lyra, { Chain } from '@lyrafinance/lyra-js'
const lyra = new Lyra(Chain.Optimism)
// Fetch all markets
const markets = await lyra.markets()
markets.map(market => ({
address: market.address,
name: market.name,
// List all live boards (expiries)
expiries: market.liveBoards().map(board => ({
id: board.id,
expiryTimestamp: board.expiryTimestamp,
// List all strikes
strikes: board.strikes().map(strike => ({
id: strike.id,
strikePrice: strike.strikePrice,
Prepare and execute trades with a simple interface.
import Lyra, { Chain, TradeEvent } from '@lyrafinance/lyra-js'
const lyra = new Lyra(Chain.Arbitrum)
// Initialize account
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, lyra.provider)
const account = lyra.account(signer.address)
const market = await lyra.market('eth')
// Select most recent expiry
const board = market.liveBoards()[0]
// Select first strike in delta range
const strike = board.strikes().find(strike => strike.isDeltaInRange)
if (!strike) {
throw new Error('No strike in delta range')
// Prepare trade (Open 1.0 Long ETH Call with 0.1% slippage)
const trade = await lyra.trade(account.address, 'eth', strike.id, true, true, ONE_BN, 0.1 / 100)
// Approve USDC
const approveTx = await trade.approveQuote(signer.address, MAX_BN)
const approveResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(approveTx)
await approveResponse.wait()
console.log('Approved USDC:', approveResponse.hash)
// Execute trade
const tradeResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(trade.tx)
console.log('Executed trade:', tradeResponse.hash)
const tradeReceipt = await tradeResponse.wait()
// Get trade result
const tradeEvent = (await TradeEvent.getByHash(lyra, tradeReceipt.transactionHash))[0]
printObject('Trade Result', {
blockNumber: tradeEvent.blockNumber,
positionId: tradeEvent.positionId,
premium: tradeEvent.premium,
fee: tradeEvent.fee,
Create trade feeds across all markets with a simple listener
import Lyra, { Chain } from '@lyrafinance/lyra-js'
const lyra = new Lyra(Chain.Arbitrum)
lyra.onTrade(trade => {
trader: trade.trader,
positionId: trade.positionId,
market: trade.marketName,
size: trade.size,
isBuy: trade.isBuy,
isLong: trade.isLong,
premium: trade.premium,
setCollateralTo: trade.setCollateralTo,
isLiquidation: trade.isLiquidation,
See the src/scripts
directory for more examples of SDK interactions.
To run a script, first clone the lyra-js repository
git clone https://github.com/lyra-finance/lyra-js.git
cd lyra-js
Install dependencies locally
yarn install
Choose a script and run
yarn script <script>
yarn script markets
yarn script simple-trade