Repo for Derive Orderbook API stubs
Meant to be used as helpers when creating typescript client like so:
import { PrivateDepositJSONRPCSchema } from '../orderbook-stubs/typescript/stubs/private.deposit';
const response = await tryRPC<PrivateDepositJSONRPCSchema>(
subaccount_id: subaccount.subaccountId,
signer: ctx.wallet.address,
nonce: deposit_order.nonce,
amount: `100`,
signature: deposit_order.signature,
signature_expiry_sec: deposit_order.expiry,
asset_name: 'USDC',
if (!isRPCError(response)) {'Expected a response error from depositing');
Where the tryRPC method looks something like
export type ResponseDigest<R = any> = {
response: AxiosResponse<R>;
stringified: string;
interface LyraAuthHeader {
[key: string]: string;
'X-LyraWallet': string;
'X-LyraTimestamp': string;
'X-LyraSignature': string;
export async function tryRequest<T = any, R = any>(
method: Method,
subroute: string,
data: T,
authHeaders?: LyraAuthHeader,
base_url: string = process.env.HTTP_ADDRESS || '',
): Promise<ResponseDigest<R>> {
const url = base_url + subroute;
const headers = authHeaders ? (authHeaders as Record<string, string>) : ({} as Record<string, string>);
try {
const response = await axios.request<R>({
const stringified = JSON.stringify(;
return {
response: response,
stringified: stringified,
} catch (error) {
let errorMessage;
if (error instanceof AxiosError) {
errorMessage =
getCurrentUTCTime() +
`:: Caught Axios error while ${method}:${url} with message ${error.message} and code ${error.code}`;
errorMessage += `\nRPC error message: ${JSON.stringify(error.response?.data, null, '\t')}`;
} else if (error instanceof Error) {
errorMessage = getCurrentUTCTime() + `:: Caught error while ${method}:${url} with message ${error.message}`;
} else {
errorMessage = getCurrentUTCTime() + `:: Caught unknown error while ${method}:${url} with message ${error}`;
throw new Error(errorMessage);