Curriculum Vitae and resume of Robert Kranson aka devopsbob.
A curriculum vitae (CV) is an academic diary that lists all of your education, experience, publications, certificates, awards, and publications. A resume is a single-page summary of your work experience and skills that are relevant to the job that you’re applying for.
- Github public repository created named 'Curriculum-Vitae-Resume', this is used when printing to PDF
- Create branch named 'gh-pages'
- Select main branch
- Go to Settings > Pages
- Enable Github Pages publish from branch 'gh-pages' and folder '/docs'
- Locally create markdown-cv/docs/
- Upload to github as starting point
The branch configuration for the repository pages setup is set to publish the gh-pages branch. Update the gh-pages branch from the source main branch to effective the default published github page.
- Create new pull request
- gh-pages < main
- Complete pull request
- Use the Docs rendering in the browser
- Do Print to PDF
- Ensure the page layout is set to portrait and not landscape
- Turn on Headers and Footers in the print dialog so it has date and title info on every page
- Save to resume.pdf
- Upload and commit to GIT repo in the docs folder
- Do a publish pull request to add to the public site link