Configuration Management Scripts for Samvera based servers
This repository provides predefined ansible roles to install and configure a typical set of dependencies required to run a Hyrax-based repository, including:
- Solr
- Fedora
- Postgres SQL
- Apache webserver
- Ruby
- FFMpeg and it's dependencies
- ImageMagick and it's dependencies
Major version numbers of releases in this repoitory target the corresponding Ubuntu release. I.E. v20.1.1 is compatible witht the 20.x LTS Ubuntu server release.
Tested with Ansible 2.11.4. Please see the official Installing Ansible documentation for details on installing or upgrading Ansible.
Contributions are welcome in the form of issues (including bug reports, use cases) and pull requests.
This Ansible project was preceeded by ansible-hydra, a project created by Data Curation Experts for the Chemical Heritage Foundation.
Here is an example playbook that uses these roles (plus a few extra internal-to-dce roles) to build a single box running all the Samvera components:
- hosts: '{{ host }}'
name: ensure python is installed for ansible
user: ubuntu
gather_facts: false
- name: update apt-get
raw: sudo apt-get update
- name: install python for ansible
raw: sudo apt-get -y install python-simplejson
- hosts: '{{ host }}'
name: configure server
user: ubuntu
gather_facts: true
db_user: 'db_user'
db_pass: 'whatever'
- { role: packages }
- { role: set_timezone, timezone: America/Chicago }
- { role: set_hostname, hostname: stage-demo }
- { role: sshd_config }
- { role: setup_logrotation }
- { role: clamav }
- { role: nrpe, nrpe_version: '3.1.1', nagios_plugins_version: '2.2.1' }
- { role: ruby, ruby_version: '2.4.2', ruby_sha_256: '93b9e75e00b262bc4def6b26b7ae8717efc252c47154abb7392e54357e6c8c9c' }
- { role: postgres }
- { role: fedora }
- { role: solr, solr_version: '6.6.2' }
- { role: pip }
- { role: fits, fits_version: '0.8.4' }
- { role: apache, passenger_ver: '5.1.11'}
- { role: apache_with_mod_ssl }
- { role: capistrano_setup }
- { role: dotenv, hostname: stage-demo }
- { role: sidekiq }
- { role: imagemagick, imagemagick_ver: '7.0.7', gs_ver: '9.19', openjpg_ver: '2.1.0', libtiff_ver: '4.0.5', libpng_ver: '1.6.28' }
- { role: ffmpeg, ffmpeg_version: '3.4' }
- { role: solr-schema }
- { role: first_deploy }
- { role: dce_ssl }
- { role: force_ssl }
- { role: restart }
- { role: splunkuforwarder }
An observation for minimal test installs: these packages install successfully on an AWS ubuntu server with 4 gigabytes of RAM (t3a.medium), but not on one with 1 gigabyte of RAM (a free tier "micro" server).