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Sebastien Rocca edited this page Aug 20, 2016 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the Jasper2fork wiki!

This fork is to continue the fine work of the Jasper original developers from their jasper-dev branch.

My personal hope is to one day merge everything back with the original project.

Until then this is where I will play.

Comms INFO:

We will be using for our day to day comms on this project.

Discord Link

Please look around and see what you can do to help, if nothing else create an issue of what you think needs help. This too is helping.

Moving into the the how to of this:

So the easiest way to get this up and going is by downloading the image posted by MattCurry.

Before I was banned I made mirrors for the community to download from with out having another program. These mirrors are still active. The torrent currently has two dedicated seeders on the same servers hosting the direct https downloads at Digital Ocean.

To be continued....