This is a program to take a Logseq directory and convert it into web pages. I'm currently using this to populate much of the content on my website.
Note: Most everything below is out of date. I'll be rewriting the README to accurately reflect the addition of scripting and other new capabilities. For now, the easiest way to see how to use this is to look at the configuration I use on my website.
- Selective export: Include and exclude pages based on presence of tags in each page
- Optionally omit lines that only contain links/tags to pages that aren't included.
- So tag-only lines like
#Articles #Done #Thinking
don't clutter up the page.
- So tag-only lines like
- Support block references, block embeds, and page embeds.
- Supports output templates: complete HTML page, text with front matter, or anything else!
- Gathers hashtags in a page for use in the output template
- This is configurable to use either a specific "Tags" attribute, or hashtags anywhere in a page.
- Tags can be excluded
This program also supports operating on a Roam Research EDN export, though I'm not maintaining that support so the parsing may stop working if the Roam EDN format changes enough.
Primary configuration is through a TOML file. You can find an annotated config file here and modify it for your needs.
The program also supports command line arguments to override settings in the config file. export-logseq-notes --help
will show
the arguments available.
- Option to only export pages with a certain tag
- When a page links to another exported page, the output contains a link.
- Expands block embeds
- Link block references to original block
- Translate namespaces into nested directories
- Option to show backlinks at bottom