A wrapper of Lucide Icons for Go (Golang) developers.
- None if using HTML templates
- Templ if using Templ templates
go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest
There are two ways that go-lucide-icons
can be used. That is, as a command line tool to generate only the icons you need, or imported as a module in to your project for easy access to all icons.
Browse Lucide Icons for a comprehensive view of all the icons available.
- Install the command line utility:
go install github.com/dimmerz92/go-lucide-icons/cmd/golucide@latest
- Generate icons to your project directly:
- For Templ icons:
golucide add [-o <output directory>] templ <icon-name (kebab-case)>
- For HTML icons:
golucide add [-o <output directory>] html <icon-name (kebab-case)>
- Add the
struct to your project to be used with the generated icons.
type IconProps struct {
ID string // specifies the <svg> id attribute.
Class string // add classes to the <svg>.
Style string // specifies the <svg> style attribute.
templ.Attributes // add additional attributes to the <svg>.
In both cases, the -o
flag in step 2 is optional. By default, icons will be generated to the current working directory.
Add the package to your project.
- For Templ icons
go get github.com/dimmerz92/go-lucide-icons/pkg/templ/icons
All components have the same name as the lucide icons, except in pascal case.
E.g. a-arrow-down becomes AArrowDown.
A simple properties struct is made available where id
, class
, and style
attributes can be set directly, and any other attribute can be set using the templ.Attributes
NOTE: If you are using the package way, you do not need to add this struct, it can be found at icons.IconProps{}
type IconProps struct {
ID string // specifies the <svg> id attribute.
Class string // add classes to the <svg>.
Style string // specifies the <svg> style attribute.
templ.Attributes // add additional attributes to the <svg>.
With no properties
With properties
ID: "my-icon",
Class: "my-class another-class",
Style: "--my-variable: red",
Attributes: templ.Attributes{"attribute": "value"},
Add the package to your project.
- For HTML icons
go get github.com/dimmerz92/go-lucide-icons/pkg/html/icons
All componenents have the same name as the lucide icons and remain in kebab case.
Simply add the lucide icon templates to your existing templates and you're ready.
tpls := template.Must(template.ParseFiles("your existing files"))
If you are using the icon as is, there is no need to pass any data to it. However, if you wish to add any attributes to the icon, it expects data in the form of []template.HTMLAttr
iconData := []template.HTMLAttr{
`class="some-class another-class"`,
`style="height: 2rem; width: 2rem"`,
To use the icons within your own templates, simply add them as named templates.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Page</title>
<p>some text</p>
<!-- expecting data -->
{{ template "worm" . }}
<!-- not expecting data -->
{{ template "fish" }}
Lucide is licensed under the ISC LICENSE.
Go Lucide Icons is provided using the MIT LICENSE.
All Icons are created by Lucide Icons.