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v5.1.2 | Message Forwarding and Voice Messages

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@MinnDevelopment MinnDevelopment released this 05 Oct 10:01
· 38 commits to master since this release


This release adds support for new message features.

Forwarding messages (#2744)

You can now handle forwarded messages using the new message snapshots.

public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
    MessageReference messageReference = event.getMessage().getMessageReference();
    // Forwarded messages have a reference of type FORWARD
    if (messageReference != null && messageReference.getType() == MessageReference.MessageReferenceType.FORWARD) {
        // The content of the forwarded message is provided as a snapshot
        MessageSnapshot snapshot = event.getMessage().getMessageSnapshots().getFirst();
        System.out.println("Received forwarded message with content: " + snapshot.getContentRaw());

A bot can also forward a message using Message#fowardTo. Note that a forwarded message cannot contain any additional content.

Voice messages (#2738)

You can now send voice messages with JDA, by utilizing the new FileUpload#asVoiceMessage method on your audio attachments.

    .asVoiceMessage(MediaType.parse("audio/ogg"), waveform, 10.5) // 10.5 seconds audio/ogg message

To create a voice message, you must first determine the audio media type of your voice message and sample a waveform up to 256 bytes. Voice messages require a valid audio/* media type like audio/ogg.

The waveform is used to render the voice message shape in the preview. It must not be an accurate sampling of the actual audio.

New Features

Bug Fixes

Full Changelog: v5.1.1...v5.1.2



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