Arbitrage and Wagers Calculator
This GitHub repository hosts a Flask web application designed to calculate arbitrage opportunities, hedge bets, and analyze multiple wager scenarios. Here's a comprehensive overview of its functionality and potential uses:
Arbitrage Calculation:
- The application enables users to input an initial wager amount, along with the corresponding odds for two different outcomes.
- Based on this input, the system calculates the optimal amount to wager on the second outcome to maximize potential profit through arbitrage.
- Additionally, users can utilize this calculator to hedge bets by strategically placing wagers on multiple outcomes to minimize potential losses.
- It provides detailed results including the recommended arbitrage wager, total payouts for both outcomes, total stake, profit, and profit percentage.
Multiple Wagers:
- Users can also analyze scenarios involving multiple wagers by specifying the number of wagers they want to consider.
- For each wager, users input the amount to wager and the corresponding odds.
- The application then calculates the total stake, total profit, and total payout for all wagers combined.
Functionality and Uses:
- Arbitrage Opportunities: Traders and bettors can leverage the arbitrage calculator to identify and exploit opportunities where they can profit from discrepancies in odds across different platforms or markets.
- Risk Management and Hedging Bets: Users can strategically hedge their bets by analyzing multiple wager scenarios, minimizing potential losses while still capitalizing on profit opportunities.
- Education and Research: Students and researchers interested in sports betting, finance, or probability theory can use this tool for educational purposes or as a basis for further study.
Overall, this Flask web application provides a practical tool for analyzing betting opportunities, managing risk, and maximizing profit potential in various wagering scenarios. Feel free to explore, modify, and contribute to the project on GitHub!