Clase simple de PHP para validación
Esta es una pequeña librería de validación de datos recibidos
$email = '[email protected]';
$username = 'admin';
$password = 'admin';
$age = 1200;
$val = new Validation();
echo "Validación ok!";
echo "Validación error!";
<?php $val = new Validation; ?>
<form method="post" action="#">
<label for="name">Name:</label>
<input type="text" name="name" pattern="<?php echo $val->patterns['words']; ?>" required>
<label for="email">E-Mail:</label>
<input type="email" name="email" required>
<label for="tel">Telephone:</label>
<input type="text" name="tel" pattern="<?php echo $val->patterns['tel']; ?>">
<label for="message">Message:</label>
<textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="6" required></textarea>
<button type="submit">Send</button>
echo 'Validation ok!';
echo $val->displayErrors();
Method | Parameter | Description | Example |
name | $name | Return field name | name('name') |
value | $value | Return value field | value($_POST['name]) |
file | $value | Return $_FILES array | file($_FILES['name']) |
pattern | $pattern | Return an error if the input has a different format than the pattern | pattern('text') |
customPattern | $pattern | Return an error if the input has a different format than the custom pattern | customPattern('[A-Za-z]') |
required | Returns an error if the input is empty | required() | |
min | $length | Return an error if the input is shorter than the parameter | min(10) |
max | $length | Return an error if the input is longer than the parameter | max(10) |
equal | $value | Return an error if the input is not same as the parameter | equal($value) |
maxSize | $value | Return an error if the file size exceeds the maximum allowable size | maxSize(3145728) |
ext | $value | Return an error if the file extension is not same the parameter | ext('pdf') |
isSuccess | Return true if there are no errors | isSuccess() | |
getErrors | Return an array with validation errors | getErrors() | |
displayErrors | Return Html errors | displayErrors() | |
result | Return true if there are no errors or html errors | result() | |
is_int | $value | Return true if the value is an integer number | is_int(1) |
is_float | $value | Return true if the value is an float number | is_float(1.1) |
is_alpha | $value | Return true if the value is an alphabetic characters | is_alpha('test') |
is_alphanum | $value | Return true if the value is an alphanumeric characters | is_alphanum('test1') |
is_url | $value | Return true if the value is an url (protocol is required) | is_url('') |
is_uri | $value | Return true if the value is an uri (protocol is not required) | is_uri('') |
is_bool | $value | Return true if the value is an boolean | is_bool(true) |
is_email | $value | Return true if the value is an e-mail | is_email('[email protected]') |
Name | Description | Example |
uri | Url without file extension | folder-1/folder-2 |
url | Uri with file extension | |
alpha | Only alphabetic characters | World |
words | Alphabetic characters and spaces | Hello World |
alphanum | Alpha-numeric characters | test2016 |
int | Integer number | 154 |
float | Float number | 1,234.56 |
tel | Telephone number | (+39) 081-777-77-77 |
text | Alpha-numeric characters, spaces and some special characters | Test1 ,.():;!@&%? |
file | File name format | myfile.png |
folder | Folder name format | my_folde |
address | Address format | Street Name, 99 |
date_dmy | Date in format dd-MM-YYYY | 01-01-2016 |
date_ymd | Date in format YYYY-MM-dd | 2016-01-01 |
E-Mail format | [email protected] |
Menciona a todos aquellos que ayudaron a levantar el proyecto desde sus inicios
- Ing. Miguel Martinez - djmai
- Comenta a otros sobre este proyecto 📢
- Invita una cerveza 🍺 o un café ☕ a alguien del equipo.
- Da las gracias públicamente 🤓.
- etc.
⌨️ con ❤️ por Ing. Miguel Martinez 😊