Another LaTeX template for a resume/CV. This one was inspired by and various others but does exactly what I needed.
It borrows a few lines of code from
Note that my-resume runs on XeLaTeX.
An Overleaf template can be found here:
(Note that this template may not be the most up-to-date version. Try the latest version from GitHub first if you encounter problems.)
Thre three pages below show most possibilities that are implemented in my-resume. There are different pagestyles available, colors, header and much more can be optimized to match your taste.
The default page style features a header and a highlight bar.
For consecutive pages, a layout with the highlight bar but without the header might be needed. Depending on the options for my-resume, the highlight bar can alternate between pages (option doublesided) or stay on the left side for all pages (option singlesided). In this case, the highlight bar is left empty and appears as a grey block.
Empty pages are possible as well.