Userstamp extends ActiveRecord::Base
to add automatic updating of creator
and updater
Two class methods (model_stamper
and stampable
) are implemented in this gem. The model_stamper
method is used in models that are responsible for creating or updating other objects.
Typically this would be the User
model of your application. The stampable
method is used in
models that are subject to being created or updated by stampers.
Gem was latest tested with Ruby 3.1.3 and Rails 7.0.3 In history the gem has been tested with Ruby 2.7.2, 2.7.3 and Rails
to result in a belongs_to
relation which looks like:
belongs_to :creator, class_name: '::User', foreign_key: :created_by
This includes changes to perform model stamping before validation. This allows models to enforce the presence of stamp attributes:
validates :created_by, presence: true
validates :updated_by, presence: true
Furthermore, the creator
attribute is set only if the value is blank allowing for a manual
Assume that we are building a blog application, with User and Post objects. Add the following to the application's Gemfile:
gem 'userstamper'
Define an initializer in your Rails application to configure the gem: config/initilialize/userstamper.rb:
Userstamper.configure do |config|
# config.default_stamper = 'User'
# config.creator_attribute = :creator_id
# config.updater_attribute = :updater_id
config.deleter_attribute = nil
Ensure that each model has a set of columns for creators and updaters.
class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :users do |t|
class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :posts do |t|
If you use protect_from_forgery
, make sure the hooks are prepended:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
protect_from_forgery with: :exception, prepend: true # with: anything will do, note `prepend: true`!
Declare the stamper on the User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
If your stamper is called User
, that's it; you're done.
The association which is created on each of the creator_id
and updater_id
be customised. Also, the stamper used by each class can also be customised. For this purpose, the
method can be used:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
The stampable
method allows you to customize the creator
and updater
It also allows you to specify the name of the stamper for the class being declared. Any additional
arguments are passed to the belongs_to
When upgradeing from activerecord_userstamp gem, please remove deleted attributes. Soft delete is not supported and not recommended. Soft delete is more pain in real life.
$ bundle exec rspec
This is a fork of:
- the activerecord-userstamp gem
- the magiclabs-userstamp gem
- which is a fork of Michael Grosser's [userstamp gem] (
- which is a fork of the original userstamp plugin by delynn
In addition to these, some ideas are cherry picked from the following forks:
- DeLynn Berry: The original idea for this plugin came from the Rails Wiki article entitled Extending ActiveRecord
- Michael Grosser
- John Dell
- Chris Hilton
- Thomas von Deyen
- Joel Low
- Priit Tark
- Carsten Reinke