This library provides a helper for constructing emails independent of whatever email service you use. Features include:
- Use text and HTML email templates for email body
- Use text template for email subject
- Set global options (like
) and easily override those options - Parameterizes the email sending function so you can replace it with a mock in tests
- Parameterizes template rendering function so you can use something other than selmer if you want
There are two steps to sending an email:
- Taking build options as input to produce send options. Build options
include things like
which are used to construct a send options map. - The send options map is passed to a send function to perform the actual side-effecting send.
This library provides build-and-send-email-fn
which constructs a function that
combines these two steps. This is the main API entry point for the library.
Example usage:
(defn mailgun-send-email
;; call function that actually performs the POST request or whatever for
;; sending an email
(def send-email
{:render selmer.parser/render
:from "[email protected]"
:subject "Update from YourDomain"}))
(def username "coolperson42")
(send-email {:to "[email protected]"
:text (str "welcome " username "!")
:subject-template "welcome {username}!"
:data {:username "coolperson42"}})
;; text-template is used to produce the value for the :text key
(send-email {:to "[email protected]"
:text-template "welcome {username}!"
:subject-template "welcome {username}!"
:data {:username username}})
;; Pass in template name, :welcome. This will look up "email-templates/welcome.html"
;; and "email-templates/welcome.txt" to produce the value for the `:text` and
;; `:html` keys
(send-email :welcome
{:to "[email protected]"
:subject-template "welcome {username}!"
:data {:username username}
:template-name :welcome
:template-dir "email-templates"})
takes two arguments:
- a send function, which performs the side effects of actually sending an email
- a map of build options. These are treated as defaults. When you call the
function which
returns (send-email
above), you can pass in a build options map which gets merged into the default build options.
is an example of a send function, and it takes a map of
send options as its argument. library understands the following build options:
key | description |
:to |
"to" email address |
:from |
"from" email address |
:render |
function that takes a template string and :data to render subject and body |
:data |
map used to render templates |
:subject |
email subject |
:subject-template |
a string that can be used to interpolate values, like "hi, {{ username! }}" |
:headers |
email headers |
:html |
html part of the body. optional. :text used if :html not included |
:html-template |
renders value for :html using :render and :data |
:text |
text-only part of the body |
:text-template |
renders value for :text using :render and :data |
:template-name |
keyword that's used to a) look up build options and b) read body templates |
These options are used to construct send options according to the rules below.
You can also include other keys in the build options map. These will get passed
to the send function. You would do this to e.g. include an option like
or :aws-ses
which your send function would use to interact with
an email client.
You can extend the template-build-opts
multimethod to provide default build options for
a template, identified by :template-name
. For example:
(defmethod template-build-opts :welcome
{:subject-template "welcome {username}"})
(template-build-opts {:template-name "meg"})
; => "welcome meg"
These options get merged with the default options (defined when when you call
) and callsite options (passed to send-email
) like so:
;; define build options for the welcome template
(defmethod template-build-opts :welcome
{:subject-template "welcome {username}"})
(def send-email
{:render selmer.parser/render
:from "[email protected]"} ;; these are the default-options
;; when you call send-email, internally the various build options get merged
;; like:
;; (merge default-options template-options call-site-options)
(send-email {:to "[email protected]"
:data {:username "newuser"}})
;; internally this merges these values to construct build options:
(merge {:from "[email protected]"} ;; default options
{:subject-template "welcome {username}"} ;; from template-build-opts multimethod
{:to "[email protected]"
:data {:username "newuser"}} ;; from call to send-email
If you provide a :subject
key, that is used as a subject. Otherwise
is used to generate a value for the :subject
key using the
function and the :data
- If you provide
keys, those are used. - Otherwise if you provide
keys, those are used to render the values for:text
- Otherwise attempts to render by looking up
. The render function is called like this:
(render (slurp (io/resource template-location)) data)
, :template-name
, and :data
should be included in
defines a component that you can use with
donut.system. You configure the sending
function it produces by updating the :donut.system/config
key. Here's the
component's definition:
(def SendEmailComponent
#:donut.system{:start (fn [{{:keys [send default-build-opts]} :donut.system/config}]
(build-email-and-send-fn send default-build-opts))
:config {:send identity
:default-build-opts {:render selmer/render
:template-dir "donut/email-templates"}}})
The helper function donut.system/configure-component
makes it the tiniest bit
more convenient to set configuration options:
takes one argument, a map, and
will deep-merge that map into the default :donut.system/config
{[:default-build-opts :from] "[email protected]"})
;; =>
#:donut.system{:start (fn [{{:keys [send render-fn default-build-opts]} :donut.system/config}]
(build-email-and-send-fn send render-fn default-build-opts))
:config {:send identity
:default-build-opts {:render selmer/render
:from "[email protected]"
:template-dir "donut/email-templates"}}}