Baralga is a simple time tracking solution for the desktop.
- #20 state of project restored on export/import
- Fixed data dispay after import and project deletion.
- Avoid unnecessary exceptions on startup.
- Dependency updates.
- Updated junit from 4 to 5.
- Build with Maven wrapper.
- Fixed compatibility with older Java versions (<10).
- Report for hours by quarter and filter by quarter.
- Avoid NullPointerException after data import on certain conditions.
- Updated opencsv.
- Updated Apache POI.
- Updated commons-lang.
- Updated ical4j.
- Updated opencsv.
- Updated Apache POI.
- Updated IZPack Installer.
- Removed platform specific inactivity reminder.
- Run Windows and Mac Installers as Admin to make sure installation in default path is permitted.
- Avoid error log when getting the initial start date.
- Updated IZPack Installer to version 5.0.0-rc4.
- Package application as single jar with libraries included.
- Updated several libraries.
- Updated website and issues to Github links.
- Updated used libraries.
- Exception occurred when old application directory was found.
- Crash during typing of an description (Issue #100
- Report name may not contain character (Issue #99
- Support for Java 7.
- Removed some libraries which are not really necessary.
- Added data export to xml.
- Added data import from xml.
- Added data export to iCal.
- Restored periodical data backup as xml file.
- Improved UI with quick filters.