Rules and decoders for Wazuh to process the syslog from Sophos firewalls. You can find a reference document from Sophos here.
Decoders and rules aren't complete, but pretty usable now. But please check for updates on a regular basis!
You need to pass the syslogs to Wazuh without encryption (but there are workarounds with rsyslog afaik). We use the "Standard syslog protocol" here as the legacy format will be removed in a later Sophos Firewall OS update. The port could be adjusted but I'll stay on the standard port 514.
Check the syslog categories you want to forward to Wazuh.
Wazuh needs to be configured to accept logs. I assume you are running Wazuh in a Docker container (my tests are running in Docker / single node setup), you need something like this in config/wazuh_cluster/wazuh_manager.conf
You can add multiple -fields for multiple firewalls.
- Basic firewall events (traffic allowed / denied) are fine
- Rules for ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) should be done, but need testing
- Authentication events have according rules, but they are very basic right now (only passing the message from the FW)
- DDNS events only pass the message, but that should be fine
- Mail events (SMTP(S), IMAP(S))
- Gateway event messages
- High availability
- Heartbeats
- Interface
- Sandstorm
- SSL-Inspection
- Web (System HTTPS Deny events)
- Web content policy / web filter
- Wireless
The document from Sophos isn't clear in every aspect, some rules may be wrong, they need testing. For example, heartbeats are only described for the old syslog format.