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Dev ~ Deploying the OMF Web Service

David Pinney edited this page Dec 26, 2020 · 19 revisions

Please note that these instructions in this document refer to hosts and directories that are specific to

Dev Deployment

See the Developer Documentation.

Prod Deployment

  1. Bring up an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS machine.
  2. Complete the developer installation production server.
  3. Enable the service by cp /omf/omf.service /etc/systemd/system/omf.service.
  4. Make sure we're starting on boot via sudo systemctl enable omf.
  5. Add the SSL certificates to /omf/omf/omfDevCert.pem, /omf/omf/omfDevKey.pem, and /omf/omf/ (ask David for it).
  6. Add the emailCredentials.key to /omf/omf/ (ask David for it).
  7. Start the service by running systemctl start omf.
  8. Updates to prod can be done by running the script.

SSL Certificate Generation

  1. Create a key pair with openssl genrsa -des3 -out sslCert_KEY.pem 4096
  2. CSR request creation with openssl req -new -key .\sslCert_KEY.pem -out sslCert_CSR.pem
  3. Upload CSR text to the CA. We use Thawte via Do their email verification. Download completed cert as sslCert_CERT.cert and chain of vertification as sslCert_CHAIN.pem.
  4. Translate cert to pem format: openssl x509 -in sslCert_CERT.crt -out sslCert_CERT.der -outform DER; openssl x509 -in sslCert_CERT.der -inform DER -out sslCert_CERT.pem -outform PEM.
  5. Put on server as described above.

If you are testing SSL on a test instance, you can generate self-signed keys via the instructions in


We use AWS backup to store weekly snapshots of the production instance.

Restoration process:

  1. Create a volume from the EBS snapshot. Make sure it's in the same region as the EC2 instance you will attach it to.
  2. Attach the volume to an instance. Choose (e.g.) /dev/xvdb as the device ID.
  3. SSH in to the instance you attached it to, and as root do (e.g.) mkdir /backup; mount /dev/xvdb1 /backup. The 1 indicates first partition.
  4. When you're done, umount /dev/xvdb1
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