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ACF Enhanced Message Field

Adds an enhanced version of the default Message field to accept PHP and certainly no wpauto().


This field will provide you more options and flexibility on how you would like to present an instruction or message to your client's (or site in general) admin interface.


  • Support PHP.
  • Option to hide label when field is displayed.

Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields:

  • 4 (tested up to 4.4.6)
  • 5 (PRO, tested up to 5.3.7)

PS: You need Advanced Custom Fields installed to use this.

PPS: Even more awesome if you have Advanced Custom Fields PRO installed.

Important note: Use this with utmost care.


  1. Check and make sure you have installed Advanced Custom Fields.
  2. Upload 'acf-enhanced-message' to your '/wp-content/plugins/' folder.
  3. Go ahead and activate the plugin in the 'Plugins' admin page in WordPress.
  4. Create a field group and check 'Enhanced Message' (under Layout) that is now available.

Frequently Asked Questions

You: Should I include PHP tags?
Me: Yes.

You: I have more questions or found an issue
Me: Reach out on WordPress support and discussion forums or Github issues


Enhanced version of the default Message field of ACF






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