This is a free, open-source, pure Ruby implementation of a client library for the old ICB chat protocol ("Internet Citizen's Band"). It provides an object-oriented API to let you easily send and receive messages to and/or from a ICB server. It is implemented in only a single source file and requires MRI 2.0.0 or greater (or any Ruby version which supports keyword arguments).
Most of the interesting bits have been implemented. Most notably missing is an object-oriented interface to the different kinds of "command output types" ("co", "ec", "wl", etc.)
require 'icb'
include Icb::Helpers
include Icb::MessageTypes
client = nil # (scope)
trap("INT") { exit }
at_exit { client.disconnect }
client = host: "", port: Icb::ClientConnection::DEFAULT_PORT
client.login(login_id: ENV["USER"], nickname: "moana", default_group: "motonui", command: "login")
loop do
msg = parse_data(receive_response(client.socket)[:data]).refine
if msg.type == OPEN_MESSAGE and msg.body =~ /^moana:/
client.say("Hey, #{msg.from}!")
This module is released under a 2-clause BSD-style license. Refer to "icb.rb" for details.