AStorage is a web application for storing audio files and easy sharing it.
- Login.
- Sign in.
- Listen to audio (music player).
- User profile.
- List of audio files.
- Search.
- Download audio.
- Upload audio.
- Upload profile photo.
- Edit profile.
- Upload audio files (Direct or Drag'n'Drop).
- Download audio files (Direct or Drag'n'Drop).
- Listen to your audio files.
- Listen to public audio files of another users.
- Make audio files private or public.
- Sharing audio files by links.
- Create a new user account.
- Login to an exist user account.
- Delete your audio files.
- Edit description of your audio files.
- Edit information about yourself.
- Delete your account.
- All user's features.
- Listen to any audio files.
- Delete any audio files.
- Edit any audio files.
- Edit any user information.
- Access to admin panel.
- Download audio files.
- Listen to public audio files of another users.
- PostgreSQL
- ExpressJS
- ReactJS
- NodeJS