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This repository is for generating soil moisture retrieval performance metrics for D-SHIELD instruments specs and SMAP radar specs.
It uses a forward model and an optimizer to find the performance metric

For more info
Amer Melebari, Sreeja Nag, Vinay Ravindra, Mahta Moghaddam, "Soil Moisture Retrieval from Multi-Instrument and Multi-Frequency Simulated Measurements in Support of Future Earth Observing Systems" IGARSS 2022

This repository does not contain the forward model code. Please contact Amer melebari ([email protected]) or Mahta Moghaddam ([email protected]) to get access to the code.

System requirement

This code required both FORTRAN and Python 3.9+.
The code should work with any operating system, however, it has been tested on Ubuntu 20.4 and 22.4

Requirement installation

You can install the required Python packages using the following code

conda install -c conda-forge --file conda-requirements.txt

You need to compile the FORTRAN. If you don't have a FORTRAN compiler, the method of installing it in Ubuntu is

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gfortran

To compile the FORTRAN code (forward model) use one of the following methods:
Run the following shell code (The code is not in this repository).


Example of running the code

Generate retrieval performance metric

This generates soil moisture performance metrics using Carlo simulations. The metrics are ubRMSE, RMSE, and bias. The code calculate the mean value and the standard deviation for each metric. These metrics are generated for 4 vegetation types.

Generate retrieval performance metric for SMAP radar specs

First generate empty intermediate JSON file using the following

python3 -o dshield_input --gen_empty_inter_file_smap  

dshield_input is the path to the output file. This code will generate a JSON file in dshield_input/smap_observations_input.json

Secondly, generate soil moisture retrieval metrics using Mont Carlo simulations using the following code

python3 -g VEG_TABLE_PATH -o out_dshield_data --num_trials 10 --in_json_file dshield_input/smap_observations_input.json --out_xls_name smap_sim.xlsx  

where VEG_TABLE_PATH is the path to the vegetation parameters table, out_dshield_data is the output folder path. The output will be smap_sim.xlsx and smap_sim.json
Note: --num_trials is the number of trials in the Mont Carlo simulation.

Generate retrieval performance metric for DSHIELD radars

First generate empty intermediate JSON file using the following

python3 -o dshield_input --gen_empty_inter_file_smap

dshield_input is the path to the output file. This code will generate JSON file in instruments_inc_angles_and_observations.json.
In this version, the code can generate the number of incidence angles for only the p_band and the l_band radar with three incidence angles: 35, 45, and 55 degrees.

You can supply the code with list of operation modes of 4 radars: radars 1 & 2 are p_band and radars 3 & 4 are l_band. The format need to be the similar to the sample file sample_instruments_operation_modes.xlsx. To run the code with this option use the following example

python3 -o dshield_input --gen_empty_inter_file_smap --op_mode_xls_path OM_XLS_PATH

OM_XLS_PATH is the path to the operation mode Excel file.

Secondly, generate soil moisture retrieval metrics using Mont Carlo simulations using the following code

python3 -g VEG_TABLE_PATH -o out_dshield_data --num_trials 10  --in_json_file dshield_input/instruments_inc_angles_and_observations.json --out_xls_name dshield_sim.xlsx --standalone  --skip_if_exist --verbose 

where VEG_TABLE_PATH is the path to the vegetation parameters table, out_dshield_data is the output folder path, and --num_trials is the number of trials in the Mont Carlo simulation.
The --standalone option estimates the performance of each combination in a separate file, each file ends with random code. This is useful when parallelizing the code, as each row can run in a separate machine.
The option --skip_if_exist make the code skip a row if the result of this row is in dshield_sim.json. The --verbose option make the code write to the screen the progress details.

The output files will be dshield_sim_*.xlsx and dshield_sim_*.json. The * is an 8 character with the first 4 character are the row number and the rest are random characters.
If you run the code without the option --standalone, only two files will be generated; dshield_sim.json and dshield_sim.xlsx.

To generate a single file from all these files, run the code with option --join_files, i.e.

python3 -g VEG_TABLE_PATH -o out_dshield_data --num_trials 10  --out_xls_name dshield_sim.xlsx --join_files 

This will generate dshield_sim.json and dshield_sim.xlsx files.

To generate the observation quality files, run the following command

python3 --inter_json_file dshield_sim.json  -o OUT_FOLDER

THe output files are used in generating simulated soil moisture values from experiment plans

Generate simulated soil moisture values from experiment plans

This can be done using the following command

python EXPERIMENT_PATH -r RUN001 --smap_path SMAP_L4_DATA_PATH  --download_smap

EXPERIMENT_PATH is experiment directory path, RUN001 is the run id value, SMAP_L4_DATA_PATH is the path to SMAP L4 data
If you use option --download_smap, SMAP data will be downloaded if it doesn't exist. You need NASA EARTHDATA credentials to download the data.

Who do I talk to?

Amer Melebari
[email protected]


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