The easiest way to try out dumber is to use "makes" to create a new JavaScript SPA project:
npx makes dumberjs
Document site (80% completed):
The examples in this repo are not always up to date.
- aurelia-esnext-scss-jasmine
- shows direct importing a wasm file
- aurelia-esnext-scss-jest
- aurelia-typescript-scss-tape
- aurelia-typescript-css-ava
- vue-esnext-lazy-loading-jest
- shows ES Dynamic Import
- vue-sfc-esnext-lazy-loading-jest
file Single File Component- inline images in css (postcss-url)
- shows ES Dynamic Import
- connected-react-router-scss-jest
- shows import css file through JavaScript
- demo-copy-fonts
- shows how to copy resource files (images or fonts) through gulp to satisfy CSS library.
- runtime-composition-aurelia
- runtime composition of a base app + extension apps