Releases: dvai/Ankia-Theme
中文更新日志见:Trilium博客主题:Ankia 使用指南 - 东东的小黑盒
This update includes quite a few changes, mainly adding three new features:
Archive Page: Displays all blog post titles, while the homepage now defaults to showing only 15 posts to optimize loading speed.
Tags Page: Shows article tags.
"Now" Page (non-built-in, requires additional configuration, see: 在trilium博客中同步网易云、豆瓣的方法): Can sync Douban movie and reading records, as well as Netease Cloud recent favorites.
Here are some general interface optimizations:
Optimized the display style of website titles on different pages.
Adjusted font sizes corresponding to large, medium, and small styles in Trilium for blog text display.
Added color to markers.
Styled the anchor points of the directory.
Made some components adapt to different resolutions for responsive layout.
Adjusted the transparency of the navigation bar and mobile menu interface.
Added frosted glass effect to the navigation bar.
Modified the style of the blog name in the upper left corner.
Fixed the issue of tables sometimes exceeding the page and optimized table display style.
Optimized the style of the mobile navigation bar; now, when there's too much content in the mobile navigation bar, it won't be squeezed together.
Added a declaration function for friend links, where a statement (e.g., notes on joining the site's friend links) can be added at the friend link section.
中文更新日志见:Ankia-Theme更新日志 - 东东的小黑盒
- Modify text: Change the timeline in the navigation bar to the homepage.
- Add the
tag. When this tag is added in "My Blog", it will swap the positions of the left and right sidebars. - Add a Telegram icon to the social information bar. Enable format:
. - Hide the social information container when no social information is provided.
中文更新日志见:Ankia-Theme更新日志 - 东东的小黑盒
- Fix the bug that sometimes the latest comments exceed the container.
- Add search function.
- Fix the problem of the directory being too long and exceeding the screen.
- Fix the issue where the directory rendering is abnormal in some cases.
- Other minor optimizations.
中文更新日志见:Ankia-Theme更新日志 - 东东的小黑盒
Changes in this update: Ankia-Theme.ejs, Ankia-Theme.min.js, Ankia-Theme.min.css. If upgrading from v1.3 version, simply download and replace these three files.
- Slightly adjusted the style of the menu button.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on a directory did not navigate to the corresponding position.
- Added a "Go to Top" button.
- Added article word count statistics function.
中文更新日志见:Ankia-Theme更新日志 - 东东的小黑盒
Fix the problem of unable to use the web clipping software to collect blog post code.
Add the "Latest Comments" module, which will be enabled when Twikoo is enabled. If you don't need this feature, please add the #disableLatestCommentPane tag in "My Blog".
Modify the blog post template to expand the date parameter to date/time parameter and add default attributes #showComments and #showReward.
Adjust the style of the table of contents.
Add custom navigation bar functionality.
Add tag functionality, clicking on a tag will display all articles containing that tag.
Add #showComments and #showReward tags.
#showComments - Display comment plugin on pages other than blog posts.
#showReward - Display appreciation button on pages other than blog posts. -
Add friend circle function for links (requires configuration, see: Implementing Friend Circle Functionality for Trilium Blog).
Add some interactive animations.
Adjust link format and add "Friend Circle" function for links.
Make changes to font, line spacing, summary first line indentation, and other details.
Modify blog template format for easy generation of RSS feeds.
There are many updates this time, it is recommended to download and install again.
- Added many page transition animation effects.
- Added main page background and adjusted main page interface style.
- Removed the menu component on the homepage and added components such as "Recent Updates" and "Recommended Readings".
- Adjusted mobile style.
- Added category button to the navigation bar.
- Added functionality to display the number of articles in each category.
- Optimized the navigation bar style and moved functions such as timeline, message board, categories, friend links, about, and contact to the navigation bar.
- Adjust image display style
- Fix image caption style
- Add code highlighting functionality (default support for HTML, XML, SVG, MathML, SSML, Atom, RSS, CSS, JavaScript, EJS, Go, C, C++, Python, ini, Bash, Json, Shell, SQL, TypeScript, YAML)
- Optimize mobile menu bar style