3 vm; 2 virtbr
Step1: create 3 vm istio-node; host-node; dpu-node Step2: install k8s on istio-node(master node), host-node(worker node) Step3: install flannel on enp1s0(virtio bridge1) with kube-flannel.yaml Step4: on host-node Step4.1 install multus $ git clone https://github.com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni.git && cd multus-cni $ cat ./deployments/multus-daemonset-thick-plugin.yml | kubectl apply -f - Step4.2: $ sudo ifconfig enp6s0 promisc $ lsmod | grep macvlan (查看是否加载了) $ modprobe macvlan (手动加载macvlan驱动到内核) Step4.3: install macvlan on enp6s0(virtio bridge2) with kube-macvlan.yaml Step4.4: install demoappv11.yaml and demoappv12.yaml Step5: on dpu-node Step5.1: create 2 docker macvlan enp1s0 and enp6s0, bind to docker container $ sudo docker-compose up -d