Guessmoji is a website where users can post emojis representing movies, and other users can guess which movie they represent.
Guessmoji was developed using the following technologies:
Clone this repository:
git clone
Go to its directory:
cd guessmoji
Install the dependencies:
mix deps.get cd assets && npm install
Setup the database:
mix ecto.setup
Start the Phoenix server:
mix phx.server
The application will be started on your local computer on port 4000: http://localhost:4000.
You can use Distillery and Edeliver to deploy Guessmoji to your own server. Just make sure to edit the file .deliver/config
with the data for your server. After that, run the following commands for your first deploy:
Build the release:
mix edeliver build release production --verbose
Deploy the release:
mix edeliver deploy release to production
Conect to your PostgreSQL production server:
psql -U YOUR_USER -h YOUR_HOST -d postgres
Creathe the production database:
create database guessmoji_prod;
Exit PostgresSQL client:
Start the application:
mix edeliver start production
Run the migrations:
mix edeliver migrate production
Below you can find additional references to help you with this process:
- Deploy Early and Often: Deploying Phoenix with Edeliver and Distillery (Part One)
- Deploy Early and Often: Deploying Phoenix with Edeliver and Distillery (Part Two)
- Secure Your Phoenix App With Free SSL
Guessmoji is released under the MIT License.