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New Developer Guide

Justin Lu edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the backend team for MYR! Below is (hopefully) everything you need to get started.

About the backend

MYR is built using the MERN stack. MERN stands for Mongo, Express, React, and Node. We use Mongoose as an ODM to interact with the database.

MYR is hosted on a virtual machine at UML. Read more information about the server in the sidebar.

Getting started


Install Docker


  1. Fork backend repository from Engaging-Computing page.
  2. Navigate to the parent directory of where your MYR development environment is.
  3. Clone the repository by running these commands
    1. Make sure to clone them onto same parent directory as your frontend and/or admin.
    git clone[your-username]/myr-backend.git
    cd MYR-backend
    git remote add upstream

Create Following folders inside the repository

  1. Use nvm v12.18.2
  2. After nvm is install you should able to run command npm on CLI.
  3. Run npm install within the MYR backend to install the dependencies.
  4. Make a copy of .env.example and rename it to .env.
  5. Update .env to include your OAuth2 key.
  6. You can start running the backend by running docker-compose up
  7. You can close or exit the backend anytime with Ctrl + C
  8. Start developing!