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Our Boxen

This is a template Boxen project forked from

Getting Started

There are a few potential conflicts to keep in mind. Boxen does its best not to get in the way of a dirty system, but you should check into the following before attempting to install your boxen on any machine (we do some checks before every Boxen run to try and detect most of these and tell you anyway):

  • Boxen requires at least the Xcode Command Line Tools installed.
  • Boxen will not work with an existing rvm install.
  • Boxen may not play nice with a GitHub username that includes dash(-)
  • Boxen may not play nice with an existing rbenv install.
  • Boxen may not play nice with an existing chruby install.
  • Boxen may not play nice with an existing homebrew install.
  • Boxen may not play nice with an existing nvm install.
  • Boxen recommends installing the full Xcode.


You should get access to an OSX 10.10 usb instalation pen and version 6 of xcode and xcode command line tools.

Restart your server and clean your disk, using the utility tool (press cmd+R on boot). You need to choose the encrypted format.

After the system instalation install xcode and the command line tools. Reboot the computer.

Now let's install and run boxen

sudo mkdir -p /opt/boxen
sudo chown ${USER}:staff /opt/boxen
git clone /opt/boxen/repo
cd /opt/boxen/repo
./script/boxen --debug

The debug flag is optional but really helpful, considering that boxen will download a lot of data and will output no message for several minutes at a time. You really have to trust it to be running. If in doubt open the activity monitor and check for the top process for either network or cpu and you'll get an idea of what's happening.

If Boxen stops with a warning message restart the process. It may be necessary to restore the repo to it's original state.

There is a known bug about git being already installed. If this happens remove git and re-run boxen.

brew uninstall git


See FAQ.

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