Echo OS is a Real Time Operating System written in Zig. As is tradition in the realm of RTOSes, Echo OS is really more of a real time kernel than an actual OS.
Echo OS has the following features:
- Premptive priority based scheduler
- 32 priority levels for user tasks plus 1 resevered priority level (lowest prioirty) for the idle task
- Unlimited tasks per priority level
- Task Syncronization
- Event Groups
- Mutexes
- Semaphores
- Message Queues
- Software Timers
- Tasks return anyerror!void. Users have the option to provide an error handler callback.
- ARMv6-M
- ARMv7-M
- ARMv8-M
- ARMv8.1-M
To add the master branch of Echo Os to your project:
zig fetch --save git+
To add a tagged version of Echo Os to your project:
# Replace <REPLACE ME> with the version of Echo OS that you want to use
zig fetch --save git+<REPLACE ME>
Then add the following to your build.zig
const rtos = b.dependency("EchoOS", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize });
elf.root_module.addImport("EchoOS", rtos.module("EchoOS"));
Echo OS uses the cpu_model
field in the target
argument at comptime to pull in the architecture specific files. Example:
const target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{
.cpu_arch = .thumb,
.cpu_model = std.zig.CrossTarget.CpuModel{ .explicit = &std.Target.arm.cpu.cortex_m3 },
.abi = .eabi,
.os_tag = .freestanding,
The entire API is accessabile through a single file: os.zig. You can use os.zig via @import: const Os = @import("EchoOS");
The following is a basic example of creating a task and starting multitasking. A single task is created and multitasking is started.
const Os = @import("EchoOS"); //Import Echo OS
const Task = Os.Task
//task 1 subroutine
fn task1() !void {
while(true) {}
//task stack
const stackSize = 25;
var stack1: [stackSize]u32 = [_]u32{0xDEADC0DE} ** stackSize;
//Create a task
var tcb = Task.create_task(.{
.name = "task",
.priority = 1,
.stack = &stack1,
.subroutine = &task1,
export fn main() void() {
//Initialize drivers before starting
// initalize the task & make the OS aware of it
//Start multitasking
.clock_config = .{
.cpu_clock_freq_hz = 64_000_000,
.os_sys_clock_freq_hz = 1_000,
For a more detailed example please refer to the Echo OS example projects.