Estimate travel time and distance for multiple destinations.
Requires PHP 7.1 or higher. Composer setup
WHAT IS COMPOSER : Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. It also allows users to install PHP applications that are available on "Packagist" , which is its main repository containing available packages
Composer offers several parameters including :
require: add the library in parameter to the file composer.json, and install it. install: install all libraries from composer.json. It's the command to use to download all PHP repository dependencies. update: update all libraries from composer.json, according to the allowed versions mentioned into it. remove: uninstall a library and remove it from composer.json.
The best way to install finalbytes/google-distance-matrix-api is using Composer:
$ composer require finalbytes/google-distance-matrix-api
$distanceMatrix = new GoogleDistanceMatrix('YOUR API KEY');
$distance = $distanceMatrix
$distanceMatrix = new GoogleDistanceMatrix('YOUR API KEY');
$distance = $distanceMatrix
->addOrigin('Van Bronckhorststraat 94, 5961SM Horst, The Netherlands')
->addDestination('Maistraße 10, 80337 München, Deutschland')
For more info, please visit