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erkoware Formatting and Lint Rules

This repository contains the formatting and lint rules used by erkoware.



Install the package

npm install --save-dev @erkoware/eslint-config-ts

Chose the lint config you want to use.

Config Description
recommended Basic rules applicabel to all projects
foalRecommended Recommende rules for foal projects
foalStrict Strict rules for foal projects

And at it to your eslint.config.js file like that.

// @ts-check
import erkowareTSeslint from '@erkoware/eslint-config-ts';

export default erkowareTSeslint.configs.foalStrict


To extend/override a config.

// @ts-check
import erkowareTSeslint from '@erkoware/eslint-config-ts';

export default [
            config goes here