Releases: espressif/esp-idf
ESP-IDF Release v5.2.5
Documentation for IDF v5.2.5 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.2.5 is a bugfix update for ESP-IDF v5.2.
Note: ESP-IDF V5.2.5 is released earlier than the planning, aimed at fixing the known issue in ESP-IDF v5.2.4.
Obtaining v5.2.5
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.2.5 --recursive esp-idf-v5.2.5
cd esp-idf-v5.2.5/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.2.5 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.2.4:
Major Features
- Supported ESP32-H2 chip revision v1.2
The Only Bug Fix
- BLE: Fixed the issue that the RSSI measurement using ESP32-H2 chip revision v1.2 is 10 dBm higher than the actual value. (260c81d)
ESP-IDF Release v5.2.4
Documentation for IDF v5.2.4 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.2.4 is a bugfix update for ESP-IDF v5.2.
Obtaining v5.2.4
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.2.4 --recursive esp-idf-v5.2.4
cd esp-idf-v5.2.4/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.2.4 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.2.3:
Major Features
- Supported ESP32-C2 chip revision v2.0 (a83eb05)
Breaking Changes
- SPI Flash: Removed auto suspend support for XMC-C flash series (1a389cc)
- SPI Flash: Removed XMC-C suspend support because there is risk that erase operation might never finishes (1a389cc)
- MbedTLS: MbedTLS option
is disabled by default to save on significant (~27KB) flash footprint. This allows easier migration from IDF 4.x to 5.x release. If the performance is desired and ECC accelerator is not available then the config can be turned on. (2ea3334) - MbedTLS: Support for SHA3 operations is now configurable and disabled by default to save flash size. The config can be enabled if an application needs to perform SHA3 operations. (2ea3334)
- For ESP32-C6, to continue to use RC32K clock as the RTC slow clock source now requires to select RTC_CLK_SRC_USE_DANGEROUS_RC32K_ALLOWED Kconfig first; For ESP32H2, this option is completely removed. (b3b14bd)
- Internal RC32K clock is unstable at extreme temperatures and is not recommended for use. (b3b14bd)
Known Issues
- BLE: The RSSI measurement using ESP32-H2 chip revision v1.2 is 10 dBm higher than the actual value.
The known issue will be fixed in release v5.2.5.
802.15.4 MAC
- Set 802.15.4 energy scan duration before cca (ce956ec)
- Supported IEEE802.15.4 ISR callbacks registration feature (4e0b39f)
- Introduced a series of APIs to set/get 15.4 O-QPSK 2.4G PHY txpower for each channels (50fe685)
- Supported rx buffer and txrx statistics in 802.15.4 debugging mode (1408102)
- Supported configuring 15.4 PTI at runtime (721def3)
- Supported setting/getting ACK timeout APIs (87ea365)
- Returned ESP_FAIL if enh-ack generating logic was not implemented. (da635ec)
- Added OpenThread dataset changed event (4e88543)
- Enabled vendor hooks for rcp operating in spi mode (9ce3654)
- TSupported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (9ce3654)
- Added set dns server address API for Thread network interface (a40f7af)
- Supported custom header file for openthread configuration (7f6cb15)
- upported RCP compatibility mismatch error handler (be05f8d)
- Supported to allocate NAT64 session from PSRAM. (be05f8d)
- Enabled bbr feature to support multicast by default (be05f8d)
- Supported modifying port and txt in SRP server (be05f8d)
- Added Thread connect support in protocol_common component (eb4a519)
- Supported
, added a configuration to set the preferred channel mask. (50fe685)
- Replaced NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK with DNS_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK to support more application layer protocols (c92f5db)
- Updated openthread submodule (005c5ce) (be05f8d)
- Fixed SRP server to support zero number of subtype item when updating service (0f5b20f)
- Fixed the conflict in the DNS hook when both Wi-Fi and Thread are enabled (a40f7af)
- Fixed the bug that 3-wire external coexistence on ESP32-H2 does not work properly. (be05f8d)
- Fixed the issue of incorrect duration and channel configuration in
calls (11888be)
- Updated Zigbee Gateway example to use ot_rcp instead of esp_zigbee_rcp (f1a28c5)
- Updated the Zigbee examples to be based on the ESP-Zigbee 1.6.x release (f1a28c5)
- Removed the esp_zigbee_rcp example (f1a28c5)
Application Utilities
- ESP HTTPS OTA: Added API to retrieve the most recent status logged from the HTTP response. (505625f)
- Provisioning: Added support for Notify attribute in provisioning service (4fb04ce)
- Fixed build errors when only TLS 1.3 is enabled (b369dfe)
- Fixed issue with PUT requests with async handler (#14196) (450d537)
- Provisioning: Fixed hostname resolving for IPv6-only host (214910f)
- ESP HTTP Client: Fixed connection close condition check for a case where no explicit
is set (#14724) (c19a00b) - ESP HTTP Client: Include port number to the URL returned by the API esp_http_client_get_url(). (7351290)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Documentation: Added Bluetooth SIG Qualification information to API Guides. (8394e29)
- Documentation: Added BLE Getting Started Tutorials (Chinese version) to Espressif Programming Guide, including BLE Introduction, Device Discovery, Connection, and Data Exchange. (7aa63a9)
- Fixed crash in BLE HID host example during logging (aabe255)
Bluetooth Low Energy Controller
- Supported for BLE scanning and initiating state coexistence on ESP32. (5dbb1cf)
- Added config to enable or disable BLE channel assessment and ping procedure on ESP32. (d5cd3b7)
- Added config for whether to disconnect after the instant of ACL control procedure has passed on ESP32. (81c4470)
- Added a verification step for the Access Address within the
PDU on ESP32. (81c4470) - Supported resolving peer RPA to identity address when creating connection on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (a10be2b)
- Supported external 32k oscillator as Bluetooth sleep clock on ESP32/C3/S3 (ff42187)
- Added parameter validation for Periodic advertising enable on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (a10be2b)
- Provided DTM configuration command in HCI example. (3c799b3)
- Added a verification step for the Access Address within the
PDU on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (455ea95) - Supported for running controller code in flash-only mode on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (6c8c6ce)
- Supported for putting code in flash on ESP32-C2 (e186bba)
- Supported for putting BLE code into flash on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (72d91b5)
- Changed the maximum TX power to +20dBm on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (a5d128b)
- Updated the BLE rom.ld file for ESP32-C2 v1.0, v1.1, v1.2. (72d91b5)
- Updated the BLE rom.ld file for ESP32-C2 v2.0. (b7d0eeb)
- Fixed BLE assert in lld_evt.c at line 2353 on ESP32. (d5cd3b7)
- Fixed interrupt watchdog timeout when shutdown BT controller on ESP32. (d5cd3b7)
- Fixed the issue where the BLE connection can't be established when initiating and advertising coexist on ESP32. (81c4470)
- Fixed assert in ke_mem.c at line 409 when controller resets on ESP32. (81c4470)
- Fixed the issue where scan could not be reset when the Controller was reset during scanning on ESP32. (95ac2b1)
- Fixed early wake-up during light sleep when using the RC oscillator on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (c842477)
- Fixed BLE TX power retrieval failure on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (c842477)
- Fixed extended connectable advertising data length check on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (ad8f970)
- Fixed BLE scan assert in lld_scan.c 1728 on ESP32-C3 revision v1.1. (d43f3b9)
- Fixed peer address type error in HCI LE meta event on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (a10be2b)
- Resolved assertion failure “assert lld_scan.c 1728, param 00000000 00000000” on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (a10be2b)
- Fixed BLE assert rwble.c 505 param 00400010 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (a10be2b)
- Fixed setting random address failed when extended advertising is enabled on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (a10be2b)
- Fixed that the resolvable private address does not change when light sleep is enabled on ESP32C3 and ESP32S3. (455ea95)
- Fixed BLE 5.0 duplicate scan issue for chained packets on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (455ea95)
- Fixed BLE assert ke_mem.c 267 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (b00f4a4)
- Fixed BLE scan assert in lld_scan.c 1728 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (087adbe)
- Fixed an issue that failed to establish a connection using a resolvable private address on ESP32-C2. (72d91b5)
- Fixed an occasional ACL disconnect issue with long running time on ESP32-C2. (1a64da0)
- Fixed an occasional ACL packet loss issue when Central frequently sends data on ESP32-C2. (1a64da0)
- Fixed an occasional WDT issue with long running time on ESP32-C2. (1a64da0)
- Fixed an issue where the scan window occasionally became smaller than expected when light sleep was enabled on ESP32-C2. (6e07162)
- Fixed an issue where extended scan failed to correctly set the coexistence scheme status on ESP32-C2. (6e07162)
- Fixed an occasional issue where ADV fails to transmit on channel 38 on ESP32-C2. (6e07162)
- Fixed occasional assertion issue when enabling logging on ESP32-C2. (9b100a3)
- Fixed an occasional assertion issue when msys memory cannot be obtained on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (72d91b5)
- Fixed an issue where the defa...
ESP-IDF Release v5.1.6
Documentation for IDF v5.1.6 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.1.6 is a bugfix update for ESP-IDF v5.1.
Obtaining v5.1.6
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.1.6 --recursive esp-idf-v5.1.6
cd esp-idf-v5.1.6/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.1.6 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.1.5:
Major Features
Breaking Changes
- SPI Flash: Removed auto suspend support for XMC-C flash series (5b6aa19)
- SPI Flash: Removed XMC-C suspend support because there is risk that erase operation might never finishes (5b6aa19)
- For ESP32-C6, to continue to use RC32K clock as the RTC slow clock source now requires to select RTC_CLK_SRC_USE_DANGEROUS_RC32K_ALLOWED Kconfig first; For ESP32-H2, this option is completely removed. (fd3da18)
- Internal RC32K clock is unstable at extreme temperatures and is not recommended for use. (fd3da18)
- MbedTLS: MbedTLS option
is disabled by default to save significant (approx. 27 kB) flash footprint. This allows easier migration from IDF 4.x to 5.x release. If the performance is desired and ECC accelerator is not available then the config can be turned on. (289ffe7) - MbedTLS: Support for SHA3 operations is now configurable and disabled by default to save flash size. The config can be enabled if an application needs to perform SHA3 operations. (289ffe7)
802.15.4 MAC
- Set 802.15.4 energy scan duration before cca (0192db5)
- Supported IEEE802.15.4 ISR callbacks registration feature (4a83e6b)
- Introduced a series of APIs to set/get 15.4 O-QPSK 2.4G PHY txpower for each channels (d326f02)
- Supported rx buffer and txrx statistics in 802.15.4 debugging mode (50b36ec)
- Supported configuring 15.4 PTI at runtime (515b025)
- Supported setting/getting ACK timeout APIs (f032c5c)
- Returned ESP_FAIL if enh-ack generating logic was not implemented. (cd50023)
- Added an API to to set RCP version string (822764f)
- Supported hardware reset RCP while processing RCP failure for the example
(026d8ae) - Added Thread connect support in protocol_common component (79f444f)
- Supported
, added a configuration to set the preferred channel mask. (d326f02) - Added set dns server address API for Thread network interface (cc58cf3)
- Supported custom header file for openthread configuration (a355efb)
- Supported RCP compatibility mismatch error handler (7805969)
- Supported to allocate NAT64 session from PSRAM (7805969)
- Enabled bbr feature to support multicast by default (7805969)
- Supported modifying port and txt in SRP server (7805969)
- Enabled vendor hooks for rcp operating in spi mode (954f6ba)
- Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (954f6ba)
- Added OpenThread dataset changed event (122462f)
- Updated openthread submodule (005c5ce) (7805969)
- Replaced NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK with DNS_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK to support more application layer protocols (06efbee)
- Fixed the issue of incorrect duration and channel configuration in
calls (740de14) - Fixed the bug that 3-wire external coexistence on ESP32-H2 does not work properly (7805969)
- Fixed the conflict in the DNS hook when both Wi-Fi and Thread are enabled (cc58cf3)
- Fixed SRP server to support zero number of subtype item when updating service (bd5e1c3)
- Updated Zigbee Gateway example to use ot_rcp instead of esp_zigbee_rcp (bdc59fc)
- Updated the Zigbee examples to be based on the ESP-Zigbee 1.6.x release (bdc59fc)
- Removed the esp_zigbee_rcp example (bdc59fc)
Application Utilities
- ESP HTTP Client: Fixed connection close condition check for a case where no explicit
is set (#14724) (6bca6f4) - ESP HTTP Server: Updated logic to enforce HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1, no longer supporting other versions (#14723) (ed5f875 & c1931f0)
- Provisioning: Fixed hostname resolving for IPv6-only host (937d309)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Documentation: Added Bluetooth SIG Qualification information to API Guides. (c08c117)
- Documentation: Added BLE Getting Started Tutorials (Chinese version) to Espressif Programming Guide, including BLE Introduction, Device Discovery, Connection, and Data Exchange. (0f1400b)
- Fixed crash in BLE HID host example during logging (e423469)
Bluetooth Low Energy Controller
- Added config to enable/disable BLE channel assessment and ping procedure on ESP32. (e77ee13)
- Added config for whether to disconnect after the instant of ACL control procedure has passed on ESP32. (15fb892)
- Added a verification step for the Access Address within the
PDU on ESP32. (15fb892) - Supported using external 32k oscillator as Bluetooth sleep clock on ESP32, ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (de8cdc5)
- Added support for running controller code in flash-only mode on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (f068192)
- Added a verification step for the Access Address within the
PDU on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (90b1dbb) - Supported resolving peer RPA to identity address when creating connection on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (b33c50d)
- Added parameter validation when enabling Periodic Advertising on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (b33c50d)
- Added config for whether to disconnect after the instant of ACL control procedure has passed on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (3f87a40)
- Supported for putting code in flash on ESP32-C2 (febfdf6)
- Supported for putting BLE code into flash on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (40fe9c1)
- Provided DTM configuration command in HCI example for ESP32-C2, ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (b370b75)
- Updated the BLE
file for ESP32-C2 v1.0, v1.1, v1.2 and v2.0. (40fe9c1)
- Fixed occasional connection supervision timeout when coexisting with WiFi and light sleep enabled on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (2d6c938)
- Fixed an occasional issue where BLE fails to send ADV packeting when Wi-Fi keeps scanning in the coexistence scenario on ESP32-C6. (f604a60)
- Fixed BLE assert in lld_evt.c at line 2353 on ESP32. (e77ee13)
- Fixed interrupt watchdog timeout when shutdown BT controller on ESP32. (e77ee13)
- Removed BLE creating connection assertion when the connection already exists on ESP32. (8cee3e3)
- Fixed the issue where the BLE connection can't be established when initiating and advertising coexist on ESP32. (15fb892)
- Fixed assert in
at line 409 when controller resets on ESP32. (15fb892) - Fixed the issue where SCAN could not be reset when the Controller was reset during scanning on ESP32. (626d642)
- Fixed peer address type error in HCI LE meta event on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (b33c50d)
- Resolved assertion failure "assert lld_scan.c 1728, param 00000000 00000000" on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (b33c50d)
- Fixed BLE assert
505 param 00400010 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (b33c50d) - Fixed setting random address failed when extended advertising is enabled on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (b33c50d)
- Fixed that the resolvable private address does not change when light sleep is enabled on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (90b1dbb)
- Fixed BLE 5.0 duplicate scan issue for chained packets on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (90b1dbb)
- Fixed BLE assert
267 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (eb935a2) - Fixed
timeout when exiting sleep on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (3f87a40) - Fixed extended connectable advertising data length check on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (ed06d92)
- Fixed early wake-up during light sleep when using the RC oscillator on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (2627e8b)
- Fixed BLE TX power retrieval failure on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (2627e8b)
- Fixed an occasional ACL disconnect issue with long running time on ESP32-C2. (9ed0dac)
- Fixed an occasional ACL packet loss issue when Central frequently sends data on ESP32-C2. (9ed0dac)
- Fixed an occasional WDT issue with long running time on ESP32-C2. (9ed0dac)
- Fixed an issue where the default TX power of connection is incorrect after setting the scan TX power on ESP32-C2. (9ed0dac)
- Fixed a occasional WDT issue in multi-connection scenarios on ESP32-C6. (2928d40)
- Fixed an occasional ACL disconnect issue when updating connection parameters on ESP32-H2. (2928d40)
- Fixed an issue where the scan window occasionally became smaller than expected when light sleep was enabled on ESP32-C2. (43e4dd5)
- Fixed an issue where extended scan failed to correctly set the coexistence scheme status on ESP32-C2. (43e4dd5)
- Fixed an occasional issue where ADV fails to transmit on channel 38 on ESP32-C2. (43e4...
ESP-IDF Release v5.0.8
Documentation for IDF v5.0.8 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.0.8 is a bugfix update for ESP-IDF v5.0.
Obtaining v5.0.8
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.0.8 --recursive esp-idf-v5.0.8
cd esp-idf-v5.0.8/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.0.8 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.0.7:
Breaking Changes
- SPI Flash: Remove XMC-C suspend support because there is risk that erase operation might never finishes (6afa87b)
- MbedTLS: MbedTLS option
is disabled by default to save on significant (~27KB) flash footprint. This allows easier migration from IDF 4.x to 5.x release. If the performance is desired and ECC accelerator is not available then the config can be turned on. (060aefc) - MbedTLS: Support for SHA3 operations is now configurable and disabled by default to save flash size. The config can be enabled if an application needs to perform SHA3 operations. (060aefc)
Known Issues
(which equals toWIFI_AUTH_ENTERPRISE
) will be recognized asWIFI_AUTH_WPA2_WPA3_ENTERPRISE
by mistake, this will cause fail to scanWIFI_AUTH_WPA2_ENTERPRISE
APs. Also the values of newly added macroWIFI_AUTH_WPA3_ENTERPRISE
are not compatible enough, using them in your code may stop you upgrading to newer versions like v5.0.9+, v5.1.6+, v5.2.4+,v5.3.3+ and v5.4+.If you already use Wi-Fi Enterprise including
in your code, strongly suggest you not upgrade to v5.0.8, instead, you can wait until v5.0.9.
Application Utilities
- ESP HTTPS OTA: Added API to retrieve the most recent status logged from the HTTP response (b7c1ad7)
- Provisioning: Added support for ESP IP chips to work with bluedroid stack (4a43fbd)
- ESP HTTP Client: Fixed connection close condition check for a case where no explicit
is set (#14724) (8ec2220) - ESP HTTP Server: Updated logic to enforce HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1, no longer supporting other versions (#14723) (a974ea3 & d855d1d)
- Provisioning: Exposed API to set BLE random address (a01bd13)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Fixed crash in BLE HID host example during logging (f924f61)
- Fixed crash issue in Blufi example during prepare write operation. (94f3007)
- Fixed Blufi initialization failure after deinitialization on ESP32(#14898). (f924f61)
ESP Bluedroid Host
- Added config for saving BLE bonding keys to NVS flash. (57ef4c4)
- Added BLE 5.0 throughput examples. (389e738)
- Added API to set BLE supported channel selection algorithm. (84cae3a)
- Added BLE connection ID parameter for ESP_GATTS_RESPONSE_EVT. (c01e90d)
- Refactored the print for gatt_server and gatt_client example. (2edaf52)
- Refactored the print for BLE examples. (2edaf52)
- Optimized BLE examples for setting advertising data. (018e508)
- Fixed the issue where the BLE channel selection algorithm event was not reported. (8b93db7)
- Fixed event reporting upon completion of preferred connection parameter settings. (8b93db7)
- Fixed BLE create connection fail because of invalid own address type. (29013b4)
- Fixed Classic Bluetooth build failure when enabling dynamic memory and disable BLE (efe70fe)
- Fixed BLE build failure when enabling dynamic memory with BLE 5.0 (e991d16)
- Fixed crash issue in BLE SMP when a disconnection process is ongoing (fb0b52c)
- Fixed BLE handle check for GATT API. (05437c1)
- Fixed error when writing Client Supported Features characteristic. (0e477e6)
- Fixed access fault when reading BLE controller information fails. (c01e90d)
- Fixed compile warning for gatt_sr_hash.c when optimize for performance. (9b4c775)
- Fixed memory out-of-bounds issue when parsing adv data. (ef0f7f6)
- Reported HCI error status to application when command fails. (fd859c6)
- Cancelled the BLE connection initiation if the connection has already been established when both devices initiate a connection simultaneously. (fd859c6)
- Added print and assert statements for memory allocation failures. (fd859c6)
- Checked whether the work queue is NULL before deleting it when creating thread failed. (fd859c6)
- Fixed incorrect state issue when unregistering BLE GATTC application. (7ae93db)
- Reset BLE security parameters during initialization (#13869) (dba15f8)
- Fixed the issue where BLE could not create a connection if the controller doesn't support the coexistence of scanning and connection initiating states. (054d8c9)
Bluetooth Low Energy Controller
- Supported for putting code in flash on ESP32-C2 (240dd4f)
- Added support for running controller code in flash-only mode on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (48cb852)
- Supported using external 32k oscillator as Bluetooth sleep clock on ESP32/ESP32-C3/ESP32-S3 (314b9d5)
- Added support for BLE scanning and initiating state coexistence on ESP32. (c060436)
- Supported mesh duplicate with extended scan on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (745cd37)
- Supported enhanced BLE TX power setting and getting on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (745cd37)
- Updated the BLE rom.ld file for ESP32-C2 v2.0. (828adbb)
- Changed the maximum TX power to +20dBm on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (b2dae87)
- Fixed that the resolvable private address does not change when light sleep is enabled on ESP32C3 and ESP32S3 (548ad60)
- Added a verification step for the Access Address within the CONNECT_IND PDU on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (548ad60)
- Fixed BLE 5.0 duplicate scan issue for chained packets on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (548ad60)
- Fixed an occasional ACL disconnect issue with long running time on ESP32-C2. (d0a52ca)
- Fixed an occasional ACL packet loss issue when Central frequently sends data on ESP32-C2. (d0a52ca)
- Fixed an occasional WDT issue with long running time on ESP32-C2. (d0a52ca)
- Fixed an issue where the default tx power of connection is incorrect after setting the scan tx power on ESP32-C2. (d0a52ca)
- Fixed BLE assert ke_mem.c 267 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (e4c8719)
- Fixed an issue where the scan window occasionally became smaller than expected when light sleep was enabled on ESP32-C2. (8642718)
- Fixed an issue where extended scan failed to correctly set the coexistence scheme status on ESP32-C2. (8642718)
- Fixed an occasional issue where ADV fails to transmit on channel 38 on ESP32-C2. (8642718)
- Removed BLE creating connection assertion when the connection already exists on ESP32. (afea334)
- Added config for whether to disconnect after the instant of ACL control procedure has passed on ESP32. (c0d14da)
- Fixed the issue where the BLE connection can't be established when initiating and advertising coexist on ESP32. (c0d14da)
- Fixed assert in ke_mem.c at line 409 when controller resets on ESP32. (c0d14da)
- Added a verification step for the Access Address within the CONNECT_IND PDU on ESP32. (c0d14da)
- Added config for whether to disconnect after the instant of ACL control procedure has passed on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (d062566)
- Fixed btdm_sleep_clock_sync timeout when exiting sleep on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (d062566)
- Fixed BLE scan assert in lld_scan.c 1728 on ESP32-C3 revision v1.1. (5e5c314)
- Fixed the issue where SCAN could not be reset when the Controller was reset during scanning on ESP32. (b980af1)
- Fixed early wake-up during light sleep when using the RC oscillator on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (4b0cee2)
- Fixed BLE TX power retrieval failure on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (4b0cee2)
- Fixed extended connectable advertising data length check on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (dc5567f)
- Fixed BLE scan assert in lld_scan.c 1728 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (e0945a0)
- Fixed subsequent periodic advertising sync create failed after canceling sync before sync established on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (2d02e60)
- Fixed occasional assertion issue when enabling logging on ESP32-C2. (39878b3)
- Fixed memory leak issue when deinit uart hci on ESP32-C2. (39878b3)
- Fixed BLE util buffer free after controller reset on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (f082886)
- Fixed assert when BLE connection already exist and be connected again on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (f082886)
- Fixed a crash during host deinitialization after the controller had been deinitialized on ESP32-C2. (4991ebf)
- Fixed instant wake up from deep sleep when BLE is running on ESP32-H2. (57daec0)
- Fixed the issue where directed advertising could not be connected when the advertisement filter was set to 0x2 on ESP32-C2. (b54d992)
- Fixed the issue where connected advertising could still be set after reaching the maximum number of co...
ESP-IDF Release v5.4
Documentation for IDF v5.4 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.4 is a minor update for ESP-IDF v5.3. Release v5.4 is mostly compatible with apps written for ESP-IDF v5.3.
Obtaining v5.4
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.4 --recursive esp-idf-v5.4
cd esp-idf-v5.4/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.4 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.3:
Major New Features
- Wi-Fi: Supported ESP32-C2 chip rev2.0 Wi-Fi (e43ded7)
- Wi-Fi: Added FTM calibration values for ESP32-C6 (e990d1e)
- Wi-Fi: Supported lower coexistence power consumption when Wi-Fi disconnects from AP (5a5c004)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added support of Cover Art feature in AVRCP Controller (cda2846)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added support of Device Identification Profile (ca05aa5)
- Bootloader: Added mocks for bootloader_support component (90cc261)
- Power Management: Added support for PSRAM retention in light sleep on ESP32-P4(82e76ab)
- Peripheral Drivers: Added support for sleep retention of several peripherals in light sleep on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2
- ULP: Greatly expanded support for LP Core on C6 and P4 with among others: openocd debugging support, LP-ADC, LP-SPI, ETM wakeup, LP-IO wakeup.
- I2C: Support lp i2c instance on ESP32-P4 (ec3029e)
- ISP: Support a series of ISP features on ESP32-P4
- LCD: Added i80 and RGB LCD driver support on ESP32-P4 (fdd90d4) (6d71638)
- Touch Sensor: New touch sensor on ESP32-P4 (c23165b)
- MbedTLS: Support ESP32-C2 rev2.0 ROM mbedtls-v3.6.0 (9a47de5)
- Supported ESP32-C2 chip rev2.0 (b70331a)
- PSRAM: Supported APS3204L (cb9f474)
- Thread: Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (d1ef423)
Breaking Changes
- Core System: Renamed
and its macros to be prefixed withESP_
, i.e.__VA_NARG__
to avoid naming collisions. If using these then update to use the new name. (bb8fa93) - Security / ESP Cert Bundle: Due to changes in the certificate bundle format to reduce RAM usage, the use of pre-generated certificate bundles using the older format would now be incompatible with the newer application binaries. You now need to either use the default ESP-IDF build system method for attaching the certificate bundle while building applications or update your pre-generated certificate bundle binaries by generating them using the latest script. (fa4c387)
- SDMMC: Function
no longer returnsESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE
when the SDMMC host is already initialized, now it returnsESP_OK
. (d1571c1) - SPI Flash: Removed XMC-C suspend support because there is risk that erase operation might never finish (121a272)
- Wi-Fi: Removed the definition of the "WIFI_BAND_2G_5G" field in "wifi_band_t". (7b5014a)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added new Kconfig option to enable SDP APIs and remove the dependency of SDP on L2CAP Kconfig option
- LWIP / PPP: PPPoS internal callback function has incompatible prototype. Please use
API or update your function callbacks. (d4f60fe) - Modify the type of "bandwidth" and comment in wifi_ap_record_t. (3b0cf1a)
- ESP HTTP Server: HTTP version 1.0 was previously supported due to a software bug. With this update, only HTTP/1.1 is allowed. (57553ec)
- MbedTLS: MbedTLS option
is disabled by default to save on significant (~27KB) flash footprint. This allows easier migration from IDF 4.x to 5.x release. If the performance is desired and ECC accelerator is not available then the config can be turned on. (27f11f8) - MbedTLS: Supported for SHA3 operations is now configurable and disabled by default to save flash size. The config can be enabled if an application needs to perform SHA3 operations. (27f11f8)
- Bluetooth Common / Controller: Move
(a09d574) - For ESP32-C6, to continue to use RC32K clock as the RTC slow clock source now requires to select RTC_CLK_SRC_USE_DANGEROUS_RC32K_ALLOWED Kconfig first; For ESP32-H2/ESP32-P4, this option is completely removed. (0f1bec1)
Known Issues
- For ESP32-P4 chips, when
is not enabled (enabled by default), accessing external storage (Flash/ PSRAM) after waking up from light sleep may get incorrect data.
- Supported the large scale size of pending table (8aacb78)
- Added a frame length check for the transmission frame (c7d15c1)
- Refactored the
logic to avoid some risks when multiple IEEE802154 events are processed in one ISR (c7d15c1) - Ignored the bit8 of the frame length (83eaef8)
- Returned ESP_FAIL if enh-ack generating logic was not implemented (84569bc)
- Supported openthread time sync feature on both RCP and BR (2ca453d)
- Supported changing openthread version information (93c32d4)
- Added a task switching lock holder check (e42b95d)
- Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (d1ef423)
- Enabled vendor hooks for rcp operating in SPI mode (b835986)
- Added OpenThread dataset changed event (f012157)
- Supported custom header file for openthread configuration (9181eca)
- Supported RCP compatibility mismatch error handler (69a9b17)
- Supported to allocate NAT64 session from PSRAM. (69a9b17)
- Supported modifying port and txt in SRP server (69a9b17)
- Enabled bbr feature to support multicast by default (69a9b17)
- Replaced NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK with DNS_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK to support more application layer protocols (4d4062a)
- Made ot task queue sending non-permanent blocking (9f1f285)
- Updated CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES to 12 in Thread BR lib (9f1f285)
- Updated openthread submodule (f32c18b) (ad8f175)
- Moved the registration of UART VFS devices to UART initialization function (9e5e1f0)
- Updated openthread submodule (005c5ce) (69a9b17)
- Fixed the issue of incorrect duration and channel configuration in
calls (1754c8f) - Fixed the bug that 3-wire external coexistence on ESP32-H2 does not work properly. (69a9b17)
- Updated Zigbee Gateway example to use ot_rcp instead of esp_zigbee_rcp (dd8b4fa)
- Updated the Zigbee examples to be based on the ESP-Zigbee 1.6.x release (dd8b4fa)
- Removed the esp_zigbee_rcp example (dd8b4fa)
Application Utilities
- ESP HTTP Client: Added new feature of http method (beda3dc)
- Added HTTP Code 413 support in esp_http_server (#13746) (245ec91)
- Added config option to set timeout for posting events in esp_http_client, esp_http_server, esp_https_server and esp_https_ota (9294914)
- ESP HTTPS OTA: Added API to retrieve the most recent status logged from the HTTP response. (fe47676)
- Provisioning: Added an event that triggers a blocking callback to allow users set advanced WiFi configurations (2f0dc01)
- Provisioning: Added support for Notify attribute in provisioning service (0f11052)
- Provisioning: Added support for ESP IP chips to work with bluedroid stack (6e5414b)
- Provisioning: Added API to keep BLE on after provisioning. (5b56ff6)
- ESP HTTP Server: Added support to handle HTTP 1.0 requests for legacy compliance purpose (0fae01c)
- Provisioning: Exposed API to set BLE random address (07e377c)
- Fixed issue with PUT requests with async handler (#14196) (940578f)
- Fixed build errors when only TLS 1.3 is enabled (3aaac6c)
- Fix mass_mfg tool for supporting u64/i64 types (#14159) (1c351e5)
- Fixed allocating
in client context multiple times (#13945) (f0781c4) - Fixed memory leaks in HTTPS Server initialization (ade6a5e)
- ESP HTTP Client: Fixed connection close condition check for a case where no explicit
is set (#14724) (95145c3) - Provisioning: Fixed incorrect input decoding when using console transport (8b4a712)
- ESP HTTP Server: Updated logic to enforce HTTP/1.1, no longer supporting other versions (#14723) (57553ec)
- Provisioning: Fixed hostname resolving for IPv6-only host (343bb81)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Documentation: Added BLE Getting Started Tutorials (Chinese version) to Espressif Programming Guide, including BLE Introduction, Device Discovery, Connection, and Data Exchange. (a11aa9c)
- Documentation: Added BLE Features Support Status to API Guides (782b8f0)
ESP Bluedroid Host
- Added BLE connection ID parameter for
. (1a065dc) - Added support for retrieving the BLE address type within the bond list(
ESP-IDF Pre-release v5.4-rc1
Documentation for IDF v5.4-rc1 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.4-rc1 is a preview release for ESP-IDF v5.4.
Obtaining v5.4-rc1
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.4-rc1 --recursive esp-idf-v5.4-rc1
cd esp-idf-v5.4-rc1/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.4-rc1 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.3:
Major New Features
- Wi-Fi: Supported ESP32-C2 chip rev2.0 Wi-Fi (e43ded7)
- Wi-Fi: Added FTM calibration values for ESP32-C6 (e990d1e)
- Wi-Fi: Supported lower coexistence power consumption when Wi-Fi disconnects from AP (5a5c004)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added support of Cover Art feature in AVRCP Controller (cda2846)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added support of Device Identification Profile (ca05aa5)
- Bootloader: Added mocks for bootloader_support component (90cc261)
- Power Management: Added support for PSRAM retention in light sleep on ESP32-P4(82e76ab)
- Peripheral Drivers: Added support for sleep retention of several peripherals in light sleep on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2
- ULP: Greatly expanded support for LP Core on C6 and P4 with among others: openocd debugging support, LP-ADC, LP-SPI, ETM wakeup, LP-IO wakeup.
- I2C: Support lp i2c instance on ESP32-P4 (ec3029e)
- ISP: Support a series of ISP features on ESP32-P4
- LCD: Added i80 and RGB LCD driver support on ESP32-P4 (fdd90d4) (6d71638)
- Touch Sensor: New touch sensor on ESP32-P4 (c23165b)
- MbedTLS: Support ESP32-C2 rev2.0 ROM mbedtls-v3.6.0 (9a47de5)
- System Hardware: Supported ESP32-C2 chip rev2.0 (e43ded7)
- PSRAM: Supported APS3204L (cb9f474)
- Thread: Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (d1ef423)
Breaking Changes
- Core System: Renamed
and its macros to be prefixed withESP_
, i.e.__VA_NARG__
to avoid naming collisions. If using these then update to use the new name. (bb8fa93) - Security / ESP Cert Bundle: Due to changes in the certificate bundle format to reduce RAM usage, the use of pre-generated certificate bundles using the older format would now be incompatible with the newer application binaries. You now need to either use the default ESP-IDF build system method for attaching the certificate bundle while building applications or update your pre-generated certificate bundle binaries by generating them using the latest script. (fa4c387)
- SDMMC: Function
no longer returnsESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE
when the SDMMC host is already initialized, now it returnsESP_OK
. (d1571c1) - SPI Flash: Removed XMC-C suspend support because there is risk that erase operation might never finish (121a272)
- Wi-Fi: Removed the definition of the "WIFI_BAND_2G_5G" field in "wifi_band_t". (7b5014a)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added new Kconfig option to enable SDP APIs and remove the dependency of SDP on L2CAP Kconfig option
- LWIP / PPP: PPPoS internal callback function has incompatible prototype. Please use
API or update your function callbacks. (d4f60fe) - Modify the type of "bandwidth" and comment in wifi_ap_record_t. (3b0cf1a)
- ESP HTTP Server: HTTP version 1.0 was previously supported due to a software bug. With this update, only HTTP/1.1 is allowed. (57553ec)
- MbedTLS: MbedTLS option
is disabled by default to save on significant (~27KB) flash footprint. This allows easier migration from IDF 4.x to 5.x release. If the performance is desired and ECC accelerator is not available then the config can be turned on. (27f11f8) - MbedTLS: Supported for SHA3 operations is now configurable and disabled by default to save flash size. The config can be enabled if an application needs to perform SHA3 operations. (27f11f8)
- Bluetooth Common / Controller: Move
(a09d574) - For ESP32-C6, to continue to use RC32K clock as the RTC slow clock source now requires to select RTC_CLK_SRC_USE_DANGEROUS_RC32K_ALLOWED Kconfig first; For ESP32-H2/ESP32-P4, this option is completely removed. (0f1bec1)
Known Issues
- For ESP32-P4 chips, when
is not enabled (enabled by default), accessing external storage (Flash/ PSRAM) after waking up from light sleep may get incorrect data.
Known issues are planned to be fixed before the final v5.4 release.
- Supported the large scale size of pending table (8aacb78)
- Added a frame length check for the transmission frame (c7d15c1)
- Refactored the
logic to avoid some risks when multiple IEEE802154 events are processed in one ISR (c7d15c1) - Ignored the bit8 of the frame length (83eaef8)
- Returned ESP_FAIL if enh-ack generating logic was not implemented (84569bc)
- Supported openthread time sync feature on both RCP and BR (2ca453d)
- Supported changing openthread version information (93c32d4)
- Added a task switching lock holder check (e42b95d)
- Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (d1ef423)
- Enabled vendor hooks for rcp operating in SPI mode (b835986)
- Added OpenThread dataset changed event (f012157)
- Supported custom header file for openthread configuration (9181eca)
- Supported RCP compatibility mismatch error handler (69a9b17)
- Supported to allocate NAT64 session from PSRAM. (69a9b17)
- Supported modifying port and txt in SRP server (69a9b17)
- Enabled bbr feature to support multicast by default (69a9b17)
- Replaced NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK with DNS_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK to support more application layer protocols (4d4062a)
- Made ot task queue sending non-permanent blocking (9f1f285)
- Updated CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES to 12 in Thread BR lib (9f1f285)
- Updated openthread submodule (f32c18b) (ad8f175)
- Moved the registration of UART VFS devices to UART initialization function (9e5e1f0)
- Updated openthread submodule (005c5ce) (69a9b17)
- Fixed the issue of incorrect duration and channel configuration in
calls (1754c8f) - Fixed the bug that 3-wire external coexistence on ESP32-H2 does not work properly. (69a9b17)
- Updated Zigbee Gateway example to use ot_rcp instead of esp_zigbee_rcp (dd8b4fa)
- Updated the Zigbee examples to be based on the ESP-Zigbee 1.6.x release (dd8b4fa)
- Removed the esp_zigbee_rcp example (dd8b4fa)
Application Utilities
- ESP HTTP Client: Added new feature of http method (beda3dc)
- Added HTTP Code 413 support in esp_http_server (#13746) (245ec91)
- Added config option to set timeout for posting events in esp_http_client, esp_http_server, esp_https_server and esp_https_ota (9294914)
- ESP HTTPS OTA: Added API to retrieve the most recent status logged from the HTTP response. (fe47676)
- Provisioning: Added an event that triggers a blocking callback to allow users set advanced WiFi configurations (2f0dc01)
- Provisioning: Added support for Notify attribute in provisioning service (0f11052)
- Provisioning: Added support for ESP IP chips to work with bluedroid stack (6e5414b)
- Provisioning: Added API to keep BLE on after provisioning. (5b56ff6)
- Provisioning: Exposed API to set BLE random address (07e377c)
- Fixed issue with PUT requests with async handler (#14196) (940578f)
- Fixed build errors when only TLS 1.3 is enabled (3aaac6c)
- Fix mass_mfg tool for supporting u64/i64 types (#14159) (1c351e5)
- Fixed allocating
in client context multiple times (#13945) (f0781c4) - Fixed memory leaks in HTTPS Server initialization (ade6a5e)
- ESP HTTP Client: Fixed connection close condition check for a case where no explicit
is set (#14724) (95145c3) - Provisioning: Fixed incorrect input decoding when using console transport (8b4a712)
- ESP HTTP Server: Updated logic to enforce HTTP/1.1, no longer supporting other versions (#14723) (57553ec)
- Provisioning: Fixed hostname resolving for IPv6-only host (343bb81)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Documentation: Added BLE Getting Started Tutorials (Chinese version) to Espressif Programming Guide, including BLE Introduction, Device Discovery, Connection, and Data Exchange. (a11aa9c)
- Documentation: Added BLE Features Support Status to API Guides (782b8f0)
ESP Bluedroid Host
ESP-IDF Release v5.3.2
Documentation for IDF v5.3.2 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.3.2 is a bugfix update for ESP-IDF v5.3.
Obtaining v5.3.2
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.3.2 --recursive esp-idf-v5.3.2
cd esp-idf-v5.3.2/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.3.2 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.3.1:
- Thread: Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (47dc6f3)
Breaking Changes
- MbedTLS option
is disabled by default to save on significant (~27KB) flash footprint. This allows easier migration from IDF 4.x to 5.x release. If the performance is desired and ECC accelerator is not available then the config can be turned on. - MbedTLS Support for SHA3 operations is now configurable and disabled by default to save flash size. The config
can be enabled if an application needs to perform SHA3 operations.
Known Issues
- For ESP32-P4 chips, when
is not enabled (enabled by default), accessing external storage (Flash/ PSRAM) after waking up from light sleep may get incorrect data.
Known issues are planned to be fixed before the next v5.3 release.
- Supported the large scale size of pending table (dddc293)
- Supported RCP compatibility mismatch error handler (d271b6b)
- Supported to allocate NAT64 session from PSRAM (d271b6b)
- Supported modifying port and txt in SRP server (d271b6b)
- Added OpenThread dataset changed event (6ba4aa7)
- Supported openthread time sync feature on both RCP and BR (dddc293)
- Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (47dc6f3)
- Updated openthread submodule (005c5ce) (d271b6b)
- Replaced NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK with DNS_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK to support more application layer protocols (ae4b955)
- Enabled bbr feature to support multicast by default (d271b6b)
- Enabled vendor hooks for rcp operating in spi mode (47dc6f3)
- Fixed the bug that 3-wire external coexistence on ESP32-H2 does not work properly (f18a122)
- Fixed the issue of incorrect duration and channel configuration in
calls (6df4318)
- Updated Zigbee Gateway example to use ot_rcp instead of esp_zigbee_rcp (7e712b6)
- Updated the Zigbee examples to be based on the ESP-Zigbee 1.6.x release (7e712b6)
- Removed the esp_zigbee_rcp example (7e712b6)
Application Utilities
- ESP HTTPS OTA: Added API to retrieve the most recent status logged from the HTTP response (1f68652)
- Provisioning: Added support for Notify attribute in provisioning service (77475b4)
- Provisioning: Added support for ESP IP chips to work with bluedroid stack (a034b21)
- ESP HTTP Server: Updated logic to enforce HTTP/1.1, no longer supporting other versions (#14723) (8b6ef89)
- ESP HTTP Server: Fixed issue with PUT requests with async handler (#14196) (d8a2be0)
- Provisioning: Fixed hostname resolving for IPv6-only host (dc2b26c)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Documentation: Added BLE Getting Started Tutorials (Chinese version) to Espressif Programming Guide, including BLE Introduction, Device Discovery, Connection, and Data Exchange. (a7782d0)
- Documentation: Added BLE Features Support Status to API Guides (4913f93)
ESP Bluedroid Host
- Added API to set BLE supported channel selection algorithm. (6948697)
- Added BLE connection ID parameter for
. (d4a69b5)
- Optimized BLE examples for setting advertising data. (0593e04)
- Fixed Classic Bluetooth build failure when enabling dynamic memory and disable BLE (f35389e)
- Fixed crash issue in BLE SMP when a disconnection process is ongoing (951aaa2)
- Fixed BLE build failure when enabling dynamic memory with BLE 5.0 (845a925)
- Fixed an error when writing Client Supported Features characteristic. (89bf068)
- Fixed BLE handle check for GATT API. (fe53000)
- Fixed access fault when reading BLE controller information fails. (d4a69b5)
- Fixed memory out-of-bounds issue when parsing ADV data. (140873d)
- Reported HCI error status to application when commands fail. (1720dc7)
- Cancelled the BLE connection initiation if the connection has already been established when both devices initiate a connection simultaneously. (1720dc7)
- Added print and assert statements for memory allocation failures. (1720dc7)
- Checked whether the work queue is NULL before deleting it when creating thread failed. (1720dc7)
Bluetooth Low Energy Controller
- Added config for whether to disconnect after the instant of ACL control procedure has passed on ESP32. (d22ed3f)
- Added a verification step for the Access Address within the
PDU on ESP32. (d22ed3f) - supported for BLE scanning and initiating state coexistence on ESP32. (1245cb2)
- supported for running controller code in flash-only mode on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (9196ca3)
- Supported using external 32k oscillator as Bluetooth sleep clock on ESP32/ESP32-C3/ESP32-S3 (5bb5407)
- Supported enhanced BLE TX power setting and getting on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (dfbbbab)
- Supported for putting code in flash on ESP32-C2 (7cd3d4a)
- Changed the maximum TX power to +20dBm on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (1bde824)
- Updated the BLE rom.ld file for ESP32-C2 revision 2.0. (5ccf21e)
- Fixed the issue where the BLE connection can't be established when initiating and advertising coexist on ESP32. (d22ed3f)
- Fixed the issue where SCAN could not be reset when the Controller was reset during scanning on ESP32. (88030d4)
- Fixed assert in ke_mem.c at line 409 when controller resets on ESP32. (d22ed3f)
- Fixed an occasional issue where BLE fails to send ADV packets when Wi-Fi keeps scanning in the coexistence scenario. (0a14e9a)
- Fixed BLE scan assert in lld_scan.c 1728 on ESP32-C3 revision v1.1. (03a0b7a)
- Fixed early wake-up during light sleep when using the RC oscillator on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (7531d7e)
- Fixed BLE TX power retrieval failure on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (7531d7e)
- Fixed extended connectable advertising data length check on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (530f891)
- Fixed BLE scan assert in lld_scan.c 1728 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (351e920)
- Fixed the issue where the subsequent periodic advertising sync creation failed after canceling sync before sync established on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (ee735d7)
- Fixed the BLE assert on emi.c 210 on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (4d0db70)
- Fixed assert when the BLE connection already exists and is connected again on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (4d0db70)
- Fixed BLE channel map update issue when latency is non-zero on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (dfbbbab)
- Fixed occasional crash issue in low memory scenarios on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (dc1265c)
- Fixed occasional crash issue in multi-connect scenarios on ESP32-C6. (a286bc3)
- Fixed occasional ACL data packet loss issue when using UHCI on ESP32C6 and ESP32-H2. (a286bc3)
- Fixed occasional assertion issue when enabling logging on ESP32-C2. (a286bc3)
- Fixed memory leak issue when deinitialising UART HCI on ESP32-C2, ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6. (a286bc3)
- Fixed instant wake up from deep sleep when BLE is running on ESP32-H2. (5a14b3c)
- Fixed a crash during host deinitialization after the controller had been deinitialized on ESP32-C2. (8afaec4)
- Fixed an occasional WDT issue when disabling the Controller on ESP32-C6. (990a84a)
- Added an option
to enable or disable BLE Mesh v1.1 features (ded2989)
- Fixed wrongly updating time set parameter in the time scene server model (48088ec)
- Fixed crash may happen when using NimBLE host at compilation level Os (310e71e)
- Added support for ext adv param v2 HCI command (3743d38)
- Added support for bidirectional data transfer between SPP client and server (7c0c3fa)
- Created a function to make
flags configurable (50abf54) - Updated
usage according to nimble nomenclature (64d8797) - Added BLE NimBLE Get Started examples added under examples/bluetooth/ble_get_started/nimble (b1f6f33)
- Added new event to indicate link establishment. (10bba8f)
- Added support to initiate a connection while a scan is in progress. (7506432)
- Supported Bluetooth LE 5.1 direction finding on nimble host. (30d5bd0)
- Update correct parameter in set Data len API in case where BLE 5.0 support is disabled (5f5feed)
ESP-IDF Pre-release v5.4-beta2
Documentation for IDF v5.4-beta2 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.4-beta2 is a preview release for ESP-IDF v5.4.
Obtaining v5.4-beta2
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.4-beta2 --recursive esp-idf-v5.4-beta2
cd esp-idf-v5.4-beta2/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.4-beta2 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.3:
Major New Features
- Added support for ESP32-C2 chip rev 2.0 (e43ded7)
- Wi-Fi: Added FTM calibration values for ESP32-C6 (e990d1e)
- Wi-Fi: Reduced power consumption in coexistence mode when Wi-Fi is disconnected from AP (5a5c004)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added support of Cover Art feature in AVRCP Controller (cda2846)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added support of Device Identification Profile (ca05aa5)
- Bootloader: Added mocks for bootloader_support component (90cc261)
- Power Management: Added support for PSRAM retention in light sleep on ESP32-P4 (82e76ab)
- Peripheral Drivers: Added support for sleep retention of several peripherals in light sleep on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2
- ULP: Greatly expanded support for LP Core on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-P4 with, among others: OpenOCD debugging support, LP-ADC, LP-SPI, ETM wakeup, LP-IO wakeup.
- I2C: Added support for LP I2C instance on ESP32-P4 (ec3029e)
- ISP: Supported a series of ISP features on ESP32-P4
- LCD: Added i80 and RGB LCD driver support on ESP32-P4 (fdd90d4) (6d71638)
- Touch Sensor: New touch sensor driver for ESP32-P4 (c23165b)
- MbedTLS: Added support ESP32-C2 rev2.0 ROM mbedtls-v3.6.0 (9a47de5)
- PSRAM: Added support for APS3204L chip (cb9f474)
- Thread: Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (d1ef423)
Breaking Changes
- Core System: Renamed
and its macros to be prefixed withESP_
, i.e.__VA_NARG__
to avoid naming collisions. If using these then update to use the new name. (bb8fa93) - Security / ESP Cert Bundle: Due to changes in the certificate bundle format to reduce RAM usage, the use of pre-generated certificate bundles using the older format would now be incompatible with the newer application binaries. You now need to either use the default ESP-IDF build system method for attaching the certificate bundle while building applications or update your pre-generated certificate bundle binaries by generating them using the latest script. (fa4c387)
- SDMMC: Function
no longer returnsESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE
when the SDMMC host is already initialized, now it returnsESP_OK
. (d1571c1) - SPI Flash: Removed XMC-C suspend support because there is risk that erase operation might never finish (121a272)
- Wi-Fi: Removed the definition of the "WIFI_BAND_2G_5G" field in "wifi_band_t". (7b5014a)
- Wi-Fi: Modified the type of "bandwidth" and comment in wifi_ap_record_t. (3b0cf1a)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added new Kconfig option to enable SDP APIs and remove the dependency of SDP on L2CAP Kconfig option
- LWIP / PPP: PPPoS internal callback function has incompatible prototype. Please use
API or update your function callbacks. (d4f60fe) - ESP HTTP Server: HTTP version 1.0 was previously supported due to a software bug. With this update, only HTTP/1.1 is allowed. (57553ec)
- MbedTLS: MbedTLS option
is disabled by default to save on significant (~27KB) flash footprint. This allows easier migration from IDF 4.x to 5.x release. If the performance is desired and ECC accelerator is not available then the config can be turned on. (27f11f8) - MbedTLS: Supported for SHA3 operations is now configurable and disabled by default to save flash size. The config can be enabled if an application needs to perform SHA3 operations. (27f11f8)
Known Issues
- For ESP32-C2 ECO4 chips, instruction access fault will be triggered only when receiving deauth packets with ccmp and crypto_aes_128_cmac encryption mode.
- For ESP32-P4 chips, when
is not enabled (enabled by default), accessing external storage (Flash/ PSRAM) after waking up from light sleep may get incorrect data. - Programming guide in PDF format is not available for this release.
Known issues are planned to be fixed before the final v5.4 release.
- Supported the large scale size of pending table (8aacb78)
- Added a frame length check for the transmission frame (c7d15c1)
- Refactored the
logic to avoid some risks when multiple IEEE802154 events are processed in one ISR (c7d15c1) - Ignored the bit8 of the frame length (83eaef8)
- Supported openthread time sync feature on both RCP and BR (2ca453d)
- Supported changing openthread version information (93c32d4)
- Added a task switching lock holder check (e42b95d)
- Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (d1ef423)
- Enabled vendor hooks for rcp operating in SPI mode (b835986)
- Added OpenThread dataset changed event (f012157)
- Replaced NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK with DNS_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK to support more application layer protocols (4d4062a)
- Made ot task queue sending non-permanent blocking (9f1f285)
- Updated CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES to 12 in Thread BR lib (9f1f285)
- Updated openthread submodule (f32c18b) (ad8f175)
- Moved the registration of UART VFS devices to UART initialization function (9e5e1f0)
- Fixed the issue of incorrect duration and channel configuration in
calls (1754c8f)
- Updated Zigbee Gateway example to use ot_rcp instead of esp_zigbee_rcp (dd8b4fa)
- Updated the Zigbee examples to be based on the ESP-Zigbee 1.6.x release (dd8b4fa)
- Removed the esp_zigbee_rcp example (dd8b4fa)
Application Utilities
- ESP HTTP Client: Added new feature of http method (beda3dc)
- Added HTTP Code 413 support in esp_http_server (#13746) (245ec91)
- Added config option to set timeout for posting events in esp_http_client, esp_http_server, esp_https_server and esp_https_ota (9294914)
- ESP HTTPS OTA: Added API to retrieve the most recent status logged from the HTTP response. (fe47676)
- Provisioning: Added an event that triggers a blocking callback to allow users set advanced WiFi configurations (2f0dc01)
- Provisioning: Added support for Notify attribute in provisioning service (0f11052)
- Provisioning: Added support for ESP IP chips to work with bluedroid stack (6e5414b)
- Provisioning: Added API to keep BLE on after provisioning. (5b56ff6)
- Provisioning: Exposed API to set BLE random address (07e377c)
- Fixed issue with PUT requests with async handler (#14196) (940578f)
- Fixed build errors when only TLS 1.3 is enabled (3aaac6c)
- Fix mass_mfg tool for supporting u64/i64 types (#14159) (1c351e5)
- Fixed allocating
in client context multiple times (#13945) (f0781c4) - Fixed memory leaks in HTTPS Server initialization (ade6a5e)
- ESP HTTP Client: Fixed connection close condition check for a case where no explicit
is set (#14724) (95145c3) - Provisioning: Fixed incorrect input decoding when using console transport (8b4a712)
- ESP HTTP Server: Updated logic to enforce HTTP/1.1, no longer supporting other versions (#14723) (57553ec)
- Provisioning: Fixed hostname resolving for IPv6-only host (343bb81)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Documentation: Added BLE Getting Started Tutorials (Chinese version) to Espressif Programming Guide, including BLE Introduction, Device Discovery, Connection, and Data Exchange. (a11aa9c)
- Documentation: Added BLE Features Support Status to API Guides (782b8f0)
- Documentation: Added BLE major feature support status page to API Guides (9dba818)
ESP Bluedroid Host
- Added BLE connection ID parameter for
. (1a065dc) - Added support for retrieving the BLE address type within the bond list(#13872). (8971902)
- Added print and assert statements for memory allocation failures. (707dd9b)
- Added support for BLE 5.0 instances in related events (25f0713)
- Added definitions for BLE authentication failure reasons. (83cda5c)
- Added the check for setting BLE advertising parameters when deleting GATTS services. (27f06be)
- Added API to set BLE supported channel selection algorithm. (755d3a2)
ESP-IDF Pre-release v5.4-beta1
Documentation for IDF v5.4-beta1 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.4-beta1 is a preview release for ESP-IDF v5.4.
Obtaining v5.4-beta1
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.4-beta1 --recursive esp-idf-v5.4-beta1
cd esp-idf-v5.4-beta1/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.4-beta1 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.3:
Major New Features
- Wi-Fi: Supported ESP32-C2 chip rev2.0 Wi-Fi(e43ded7)
- Wi-Fi: Added FTM calibration values for ESP32-C6 (e990d1e)
- Wi-Fi: Supported lower coexistence power consumption when Wi-Fi disconnects from AP (5a5c004)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added support of Cover Art feature in AVRCP Controller (cda2846)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added support of Device Identification Profile (ca05aa5)
- Bootloader: Added mocks for bootloader_support component (90cc261)
- Power Management: Added support for PSRAM retention in light sleep on ESP32-P4(82e76ab)
- Peripheral Drivers: Added support for sleep retention of several peripherals in light sleep on ESP32-C6 and H2
- ULP: Added LP core debugging support (a07eed6)
- I2C: Support lp i2c instance on ESP32-P4 (ec3029e)
- ISP: Support a series of ISP features on ESP32-P4
- LCD: Added i80 LCD driver support on ESP32-P4 (fdd90d4)
- Touch Sensor: Touch Driver-NG on ESP32-P4 (c23165b)
- MbedTLS: Support ESP32-C2 rev2.0 ROM mbedtls-v3.6.0 (9a47de5)
- System Hardware: Supported ESP32-C2 chip rev2.0 (e43ded7)
- PSRAM: Supported APS3204L (cb9f474)
- Thread: Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (d1ef423)
Breaking Changes
- Core System: Renamed
and its macros to be prefixed withESP_
, i.e.__VA_NARG__
to avoid naming collisions. If using these then update to use the new name. (bb8fa93) - Security / ESP Cert Bundle: Due to changes in the certificate bundle format to reduce RAM usage, the use of pre-generated certificate bundles using the older format would now be incompatible with the newer application binaries. You now need to either use the default ESP-IDF build system method for attaching the certificate bundle while building applications or update your pre-generated certificate bundle binaries by generating them using the latest script. (fa4c387)
- SDMMC: Function
no longer returnsESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE
when the SDMMC host is already initialized, now it returnsESP_OK
. (d1571c1) - SPI Flash: Removed XMC-C suspend support because there is risk that erase operation might never finish (121a272)
- Wi-Fi: Removed the definition of the "WIFI_BAND_2G_5G" field in "wifi_band_t". (7b5014a)
- ESP Bluedroid Host: Added new Kconfig option to enable SDP APIs and remove the dependency of SDP on L2CAP Kconfig option
- LWIP / PPP: PPPoS internal callback function has incompatible prototype. Please use
API or update your function callbacks. (d4f60fe)
Known Issues
- BLE: An BLE assert may occur in the function
under low-memory conditions on ESP32-H2. - For ESP32-C2 ECO4 chips, wifi_scan_threshold_t in wifi_sta_config_t structure is invalid.
- For ESP32-C2 ECO4 chips, when the country policy is set to WIFI_COUNTRY_POLICY_AUTO, the station will not scan for channels outside current country rules.
- Power Management: In light sleep mode, rejecting sleep due to a short duration can introduce an RTC clock error, causing
inaccuracies and potential Bluetooth disconnections. - For ESP32, Bluedroid Host memory leaks when HFP client or AG is enabled using HCI audio datapath.
Known issues are planned to be fixed before the final v5.4 release.
- Supported the large scale size of pending table (8aacb78)
- Added a frame length check for the transmission frame (c7d15c1)
- Refactored the
logic to avoid some risks when multiple IEEE802154 events are processed in one ISR (c7d15c1) - Ignored the bit8 of the frame length (83eaef8)
- Supported openthread time sync feature on both RCP and BR (2ca453d)
- Supported changing openthread version information (93c32d4)
- Added a task switching lock holder check (e42b95d)
- Supported Thread Radio Encapsulation Link (TREL) feature (d1ef423)
- Enabled vendor hooks for rcp operating in SPI mode (b835986)
- Replaced NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK with DNS_EXT_RESOLVE_HOOK to support more application layer protocols (4d4062a)
- Made ot task queue sending non-permanent blocking (9f1f285)
- Updated CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES to 12 in Thread BR lib (9f1f285)
- Updated openthread submodule (f32c18b) (ad8f175)
- Moved the registration of UART VFS devices to UART initialization function (9e5e1f0)
Application Utilities
- ESP HTTP Client: Added new http method REPORT (beda3dc)
- Added HTTP Code 413 support in esp_http_server (#13746) (245ec91)
- Added config option to set timeout for posting events in esp_http_client, esp_http_server, esp_https_server and esp_https_ota (9294914)
- ESP HTTPS OTA: Added API to retrieve the most recent status logged from the HTTP response. (fe47676)
- Provisioning: Added an event that triggers a blocking callback to allow users set advanced WiFi configurations (2f0dc01)
- Provisioning: Added support for Notify attribute in provisioning service (0f11052)
- Provisioning: Added support for ESP IP SoC to work with bluedroid stack (6e5414b)
- Provisioning: Added API to keep BLE on after provisioning. (5b56ff6)
- Provisioning: Exposed API to set BLE random address (07e377c)
- Fixed issue with PUT requests with async handler (#14196) (940578f)
- Fixed build errors when only TLS 1.3 is enabled (3aaac6c)
- Fix mass_mfg tool for supporting u64/i64 types (#14159) (1c351e5)
- Fixed allocating
in client context multiple times (#13945) (f0781c4) - Fixed memory leaks in HTTPS Server initialization (ade6a5e)
- ESP HTTP Client: Fixed connection close condition check for a case where no explicit
is set (#14724) (95145c3) - Provisioning: Fixed incorrect input decoding when using console transport (8b4a712)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Documentation: Added BLE Getting Started Tutorials (Chinese version) to Espressif Programming Guide, including BLE Introduction, Device Discovery, Connection, and Data Exchange. (a11aa9c)
- Documentation: Added BLE Features Support Status to API Guides (782b8f0)
- Documentation: Added BLE major feature support status page to API Guides (9dba818)
ESP Bluedroid Host
- Added BLE connection ID parameter for
. (1a065dc) - Added support for retrieving the BLE address type within the bond list(#13872). (8971902)
- Added print and assert statements for memory allocation failures. (707dd9b)
- Added support for BLE 5.0 instances in related events (25f0713)
- Added definitions for BLE authentication failure reasons. (83cda5c)
- Added the check for setting BLE advertising parameters when deleting GATTS services. (27f06be)
- Optimized BLE example for setting advertising data. (cd11782)
- Optimized documentation for BLE connection parameter updates. (368cfda)
- Optimized BLE event reporting time for connection failures (33b3408)
- Fixed error when writing Client Supported Features characteristic. (1ba647d)
- Fixed BLE handle check for GATT API. (2381487)
- Fixed access fault when reading BLE controller information fails. (1a065dc)
- Check whether the work queue is NULL before deleting it when creating thread failed. (f54e1a8)
- Fixed memory out-of-bounds issue when parsing ADV data. (6a2bc24)
- Report HCI error status to application when command fails. (ba4e111)
- Fixed incorrect state issue when unregistering BLE GATTC application. (d371677)
- Cancelled the BLE connection initiation if the connection has already been established when both devices initiate a connection simultaneously. (b24dd77)
- Fixed the issue where BLE could not create a connection if the controller doesn't support the coexistence of scanning and connection initiating states. (2c44bb7)
- Reset BLE security parameters during initialization (#13869) (54da445)
- Fixed BLE security vulnerability when using fixed local IRK. (43af0fb)
- Display BLE controller init status for ESP32 and ESP32-C3/ESP32-S3 (705c21d)
- Removed error print when failing to remove a device from the resolving list. (83cda5c)
Bluetooth Low Energy Controller
- Supported using exte...
ESP-IDF Release v5.1.5
Documentation for IDF v5.1.5 is available at
ESP-IDF v5.1.5 is a bugfix update for ESP-IDF v5.1.
Obtaining v5.1.5
For full installation instructions, see the ESP-IDF Programming Guide.
The source files attached to this release will not work due to our use of git submodules. Use one of the following methods instead:
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v5.1.5 --recursive esp-idf-v5.1.5
cd esp-idf-v5.1.5/
This is the recommended way of obtaining v5.1.5 of ESP-IDF.
Download an archive with submodules included
Attached to this release is an
archive. It includes .git
directory and all the submodules, so can be used out of the box. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
This archive can also be downloaded from Espressif's download server:
Major changes
This is the list of changes since release v5.1.4:
Major Features
- Support was added for ESP32-C2 revision 2.0
802.15.4 MAC
- Added a frame length check for the transmission frame (21ed2cb)
- Supported the large scale size of pending table (be1ba2e)
- Refactored the
logic to avoid some risks when multiple IEEE802154 events are processed in one ISR (21ed2cb) - Ignored bit8 for the frame length. (a08c207)
- Updated to log the "buffer full" message in debug mode only (a08c207)
- Supported openthread time sync feature on both RCP and BR (be1ba2e)
- Supported changing openthread version information (9dad9f9)
- Added a task switching lock holder check (b6b4727)
- Added a method to set instance name of meshcop(e) mdns service (a08c207)
- Added max csmabackoffs numbers for transmission via spinel (ddc6cf9)
- Supported openthread ephemeral key feature (ddc6cf9)
- Added events for meshcop-e service publish and remove (ddc6cf9)
- Moved some LWIP API to LWIP task (ddc6cf9)
- Moved the registration of UART VFS devices to UART initialization function (c6ef988)
- Released openthread task switching lock before calling LWIP API in openthread udp (a08c207)
- Optimized the PIO logic in multiple BRs scenario (a08c207)
- Made ot task queue sending non-permanent blocking (e1b83ba)
- Updated CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES to 12 in Thread BR lib (e1b83ba)
- Updated openthread submodule (f32c18b) (9dad9f9)
- Fixed dead lock issue related to MDNS (ddc6cf9)
- Fixed a deadlock risk by releasing ot task lock before tcpip_callback (a08c207)
- Removed the empty task for openthread tasklets (a08c207)
- Removed the range for some configurations (a08c207)
Application Utilities
- Added check for
in the HTTP server control socket API (#13659) (3982d55) - ESP HTTP Client: Added support for OTA updates over TLS 1.3 (bbd9fe2)
- ESP HTTPS OTA: Added API to retrieve the most recent status logged from the HTTP response. (cd46411)
- Provisioning: Added support for ESP IP chips to work with Bluedroid stack (4f40bd4)
- Updated cJSON version to v1.7.18 (68c894b)
- Provisioning: Exposed API to set BLE random address (7c29c5f)
- Fixed allocating
in client context multiple times (#13945) (c64c930) - Initialize mbedtls RNG context prior to setting client config in ESP-TLS, this fixes ECC key parsing issue for specific cases (2059071)
- Fixed esp_http_client to reset redirect_counter after completion of a request (#13633) (3982d55)
- Provisioning: Fixed incorrect input decoding when using console transport (321ffde)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Documentation: Added BLE Features Support Status to API Guides (b9c2acc)
Bluetooth Low Energy Controller
- Added option for BLE scan backoff in menuconfig on ESP32 (cb98558)
- Added support for BLE scanning and initiating state coexistence on ESP32. (fcc24e5)
- Supported disconnect again if the procedure is ongoing on ESP32 (cb98558)
- Added config for channel assessment and ping procedure on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (cb98558)
- Added API to get low power clock source on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (b36c954)
- Supported enhanced BLE TX power setting and getting on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (670b6c7)
- Supported mesh duplicate with extended scan on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (0ca290d)
- Added support for configurable default TX power on ESP32-C6, ESP32-H2, and ESP32-C2. (51acf13)
- Supported UHCI function on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (d82f916)
- Optimized BLE notify and write throughput performance on ESP32. (fe475fe)
- Changed the maximum TX power to +20dBm on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (dbe47c3)
- Updated the BLE rom.ld file for ESP32-C2 v2.0. (464d5d5)
- Fixed BLE scan backoff on ESP32 (8071b02)
- Use embedded assembly to get access to DPORT registers on ESP32 (cb98558)
- Fixed BLE scan assert on ESP32 (#8532) (cb98558)
- Fixed BLE assert when receiving a packet on ESP32 (cb98558)
- Fixed Wi-Fi BLE coexistence assert issue on ESP32 (cb98558)
- Fixed issues in BLE Direct Test Mode on ESP32 (cb98558)
- Fixed memory leak issue when BLE SCAN and other BLE events coexist on ESP32. (#13747) (fe475fe)
- Fixed BLE connection timeout issue after using DTM on ESP32. (fe475fe)
- Fixed assert issue caused by DPORT access on ESP32. (fe475fe)
- Fixed assert when starting advertising due to preemption on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (836dba4)
- Fixed RPA generation after each reboot on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (836dba4)
- Fixed RPA renew timer start and stop on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (836dba4)
- Fixed extended uncoded and coded scan scheduling on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (cb98558)
- Clear random address for extended advertising on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (cb98558)
- Fixed periodic advertising data setting with zero length on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 (cb98558)
- Fixed a memory leak in advertising data after restarting advertising on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (4efd577)
- Fixed BLE interrupt allocation using system API on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (4efd577)
- Fixed BT BB interrupt allocation on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (4efd577)
- Prevented BLE interrupt from being preempted on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (0ca290d)
- Fixed the issue where RSSI is incorrect when the peripheral latency for the connection is not zero on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (0ca290d)
- Fixed BLE channel map update issue when latency is non-zero on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (670b6c7)
- Fixed subsequent periodic advertising sync create failed after canceling sync before establishing sync on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (6436187)
- Fixed BLE util buffer free after controller reset on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (ed4220c)
- Fixed assert when BLE connection already exist and be connected again on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3. (ed4220c)
- Fixed BLE scan assert in lld_scan.c 1728 on ESP32-C3 revision v1.1. (01bb4f9)
- Fixed BLE scan assert in lld_scan.c 1728 on ESP32-S3. (a693c96)
- Fixed event_type parameter error in LE Extended Advertising Report event when using Extended scan to receive
PDU on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (d456fdf) - Fixed event_type parameter error in LE Extended Advertising Report event when using Extended scan to receive
PDU on ESP32-C2. (d456fdf) - Fixed the issue where the
command returned an invalid parameter error status when setting the scan interval and scan window parameters to values that are greater than 0x4000 and less than 0xFFFF on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (d456fdf) - Fixed the issue where the
command returned an invalid parameter error status when setting the scan interval and scan window parameters to values that are greater than 0x4000 or less than 0xFFFF on ESP32-C2. (d456fdf) - Fixed a disconnection issue due to timeout in multi-slave connection scenarios on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (d456fdf)
- Fixed an occasional interrupt WDT issue when creating sync on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (d4ed2ec)
- Fixed a crash issue during controller initialization when memory was insufficient on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (d4ed2ec)
- Fixed an occasional disconnection issue due to timeout after updating connection parameters on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (d4ed2ec)
- Fixed an issue with repeated memory deallocation during controller deinitialization after sending an
packet on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (d4ed2ec) - Reduced the usage of flash and RAM when only legacy ADV and peripherals are enabled on ESP32-C2. (bd5335f)
- Fixed the issue where BLE light sleep randomly caused task watchdog upon power up on ESP32-H2. (17e072e)
- Fixed HCI not returning 0x45 when adv interval and data length mismatch on ESP32-C6,ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C2. (aaeb03a)
- Fixed an occasional cache error crash in DTM process on ESP32-C2. (aaeb03a)
- Fixed an occasional assert issue in ADV and scan coexistence scenario on ESP32-C6. (aaeb03a)
- Fixed occasional packet loss issue during severe air interference on ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2. (aaeb03a)
- Fixed occasional assertion issues during scan process on ESP32-H2. (344e9ad)
- Fixed occasional crash issue in multi-connect scenarios on ESP32-C6. (71bac64)
- Fixed occasional ACL data packet loss issue when using UHCI...