A python script that generates accounts for raid shadow legends
- selenium (chrome driver that matches your current chrome version, look below to learn how to install and put the exe in the same folder as the python file)
- chromedriver.exe (https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads) Make sure the driver matches your chrome version (click the three dots, help, about, and you will find it)
- random-username (pip install random-username)
- pip install selenium
- git clone https://github.com/etfriedman/RSL-Account-Gen/
- cd RSL-Account-Gen
- Replace URL with refferall URL
- Replace username, password, email, submit, accept, XPaths with XPaths from your page (may vary from page to page) Example XPath: '//*[@id="root"]/div/div/div[2]/div/button[2]'
- See gif below on how to get XPath
- python accountgen.py
- issue with XPath, make sure you have the correct one
- if you are sure you have the right one and are still getting an error, increase the time.sleep() but a few hundred milliseconds to acount for slower internet speeds. (Most common with the last button from the pop-up)