The origami project provides "Monadic folds" to process streams of data in a composable fashion.
With monadic folds you can:
accumulate state, for example count the number of elements or compute a hash value
output results to a file or a database as you compute them
display the end value on the console
Moreover folds are composable:
you can implement and test folds independently from the data stream they will be used on
you can run two folds at the same time without having to make two passes over the data stream
you can add side-effects like writing results to a file later on if you need to
Finally, side-effecting folds like Sinks
are operating inside a SafeT
monad to make sure that resources are always released, even when there are exceptions.
Read the documentation for more information.
Add the following to your build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.url("ambiata-oss", new URL("https://ambiata-oss.s3.amazonaws.com"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
libraryDependencies += "com.ambiata" %% "origami" % "1.0"