Install Kubeadm OTC with Tofu
- install tofu
- have a OTC tenant and AK/SK credentials
- Create a
file in the main folder
mandatory flags:
# app
environment = <environment name> # e.g. "kubeadm-test"
kubeadm_host = <hostname> # e.g. "kubeadm"
kubeadm_domain = <fqdn> # e.g. ""
create_dns = "true"
flavor_id = "c3.xlarge.2"
# secret
access_key = <otc access key>
secret_key = <otc secret key>
domain_name = <otc user domain>"
public_key = <public ssh key vor ECS>
additional features (optional):
create_dns = <create dns zone/zonerecord in otc for rancher_host/rancher_dom> # e.g. "true"
admin_email = <admin email address for DNS/LetsEncrypt> # e.g. "[email protected]"
tofu init
tofu plan
tofu apply -auto-approve
There are various steps to prepare Kubernetes installation done by cloud-init
- set kernel parameters
- set container engine
- install kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl
- create the cluster (single node)
- untain the control-node and make this as worker
- install tooling like helm
- install local-storage provisioner
- generate kube config credential file to download via ssh
After tofu apply
or tofu output
show a lot of information to access the cluster:
kubeadm-api = ""
kubeadm-info = [
"Welcome to Kubeadm at OTC! It will take up to 5 minutes before your cluster is ready and accessable",
"To get kubeadm config from lighttpd server:",
"curl -o kubeadm.config",
"export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeadm.config",
"To get kubeadm config via scp:",
"scp [email protected]:/var/www/html/cvivcfat6mol7te0e4jxr5zez0m0ig53/kubeadm.config .;export KUBECONFIG=./kubeadm.config",
"To access the server via ssh:",
"ssh [email protected]",
"We provided some additional resource via install script on /",
"To get: curl -o",
$ scp [email protected]:/var/www/html/cvivcfat6mol7te0e4jxr5zez0m0ig53/kubeadm.config .;export KUBECONFIG=./kubeadm.config
$ kubectl get nodes
kubeadm-test-kubeadm Ready control-plane 6m19s v1.28.15
Within cloud-init a file named / will installed. It can be executed to install
- kube-prometheus-stack
- kube-logging
- ingress-nginx
- kube-vip
see hints in the file for further information
Since Version 1.23.6 Terraform Open Telekom Cloud can handle ECS instance power state.
tofu apply -auto-approve --var power_state=shutoff
tofu apply -auto-approve --var power_state=active
tofu destroy
Frank Kloeker [email protected]
Life is for sharing. If you have an issue with the code or want to improve it, feel free to open an issue or an pull request.