resources Public
Forked from pymc-devs/pymc-resourcesPyMC3 educational resources
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 11, 2021 -
macrobase Public
Forked from stanford-futuredata/macrobaseMacroBase: A Search Engine for Fast Data
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 13, 2020 -
nbdev_template Public template
Forked from fastai/nbdev_templateTemplate for nbdev projects
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 22, 2020 -
tradfri-lights Public
'f.lux'-like app for Ikea Tradfri white spectrum smart bulbs and gateway.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 27, 2020 -
nbdev Public
Forked from AnswerDotAI/nbdevCreate delightful python projects using Jupyter Notebooks
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 24, 2020 -
automl-gs Public
Forked from minimaxir/automl-gsProvide an input CSV and a target field to predict, generate a model + code to run it.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 1, 2019 -
steam-wishlist-extractor Public
Scrape your steam wishlist to detect price changes.
Python UpdatedFeb 23, 2019 -
docker-WSL-tls-helper Public
Forked from frntn/docker-tls-helperAutomate the process of creating the numerous certificates and keys to secure your docker daemon over TLS
Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 26, 2019 -
email_generator Public
generates a list of random/dummy email addresses that are syntactically correct
Shell UpdatedSep 12, 2017 -