The '' script is designed to be run before Homebrew or XCode tools are installed. Just download the file, run it from anywhere and it should Just Work™ as long as your name is Evan Bunnage and you have access to all my repos 🙂
It's also written to be run again and again safely* (*at your own risk).
- Add the Colemak layout to OS keyboard, change caps lock modifier key
- Change the spring-loading speed in Accessibility > Preferences > Mouse & Trackpad
- Ensure Ethernet priority is above Wifi in system settings
- Fix Spotlight search results:
- Install Mason packages with
cd ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/friendly-snippets/ && gh pr checkout 507
to fix zls snippet (until 507 is merged)
- Configure BetterDisplay. With the Innocn 32 M2V you need to set the Color profile to 10 bit and enable Configuration Protection
- Setup HomeRow. Use super key + N, and super key + J for scroll. May need to switch based on OS scroll direction
- Test
command, will need to grant permissions in Security & Privacy - Download Zoom & co, set screen sharing permissions