Should cover most prominent F5 (A)utomated (T)ool(C)hain workflows (FAST/AS3/DO/TS)
- Host/F5/Device mgmt including add/modify/delete
- service discovery for installed ATC services
- password caching
- execute bash/tmsh command on device
- FAST functionality and visibility
- single template upload
- template set upload
- deploy fast app
- fast tree view
- view/delete deployed apps
- view tasks
- view/delete template
- view/delete template set
- fast snippet of example template
- AS3 visibility with app deploy, inspect/delete
- DO view/modify/post device declartion
- code snippets to provide basic as3/do/ts examples
- automatic schema validation with (.as3.json/.do.json/*.ts.json) files
- example DO/TS declarations straight from official F5 github repos
- DO
- AS3 - PENDING AS3 examples release