Added warning when posting syncronous DO dec that async is highly recommended
Defined file types for the different ATC services (as3/do/ts) to provide auto schema validation
- This happend with files from a defined workspace, like opening a folder
- *.as3.json - will auto reference the latest online as3 schema
- *.do.json - will auto reference the latest online do schema
- *.ts.json - will auto reference the latest online ts schema
Added following right click on as3 tenant options
- https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/extensions/f5-appsvcs-extension/latest/refguide/as3-api.html
- show=full
- show=expanded
Setup progress bar for issueBase, getTSDec, postTSDec, getDoDec, doInspect, doTasks, deleteAS3Tenant, getAS3Task
Created webview output for re-usable window
- in developement - enable in settings under, 'previewResponseInUntitledDocument'
- The webview is easily re-usable, to keep opening a new tab for every call, but they don't allow the user to modify and repost like the regular json output
Settings key for seconds between async Task status updates
- f5.asyncInterval - default = 5 (seconds)