If you are lazy, just perform
$ pip install plac
which will install the module on your system.
If you prefer to install the full distribution from source, including the documentation, download the tarball, unpack it and run
$ python setup.py install
in the main directory, possibly as superuser.
$ python doc/test_plac.py
You will see several apparent errors, but this is right, since the tests are checking for several error conditions. The important thing is that you get at the a line like
Executed XX tests OK
Here is a script that does some processing on a database table:
# updatedb.py from datetime import datetime def main(dsn, table='product', today=datetime.today()): "Do something on the database" print(dsn, table, today) if __name__ == '__main__': import plac; plac.call(main)
Here is the help message automatically generated by plac:
$ python updatedb.py -h usage: updatedb.py [-h] dsn [table] [today] Do something on the database positional arguments: dsn table [product] today [2019-07-28 07:18:20.054708] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Nevertheless to say, but plac can do a lot more, up to the creation of domain specif languages(!)
The source code and the documentation are hosted on GitHub. Here is the full documentation in both HTML and PDF formats: