We provided the Dockerfile to simplify the build process on Linux + Nvidia GPUs. Follow the instructions below if you want to build by your own.
Build depends g++ >= 4.9 or clang. Check DEPENDENCIES.md to install the dependencies. Then:
git submodule init
git submodule update
# make sure your environment variables don't include paths you don't need
# linux/macos, system python (or homebrew python on macos):
make -j
# or PYTHON_CONFIG=python3-config make -j
# or PYTHON_CONFIG=python2-config make -j
# depend on the version of python you want to use
# linux, anaconda:
SYSTEM=conda.linux PYTHON_CONFIG=/path/to/anaconda/bin/python3-config make -j
# macos, anaconda (upgrade anaconda if you see any compilation issues):
SYSTEM=conda.macos PYTHON_CONFIG=/path/to/anaconda/bin/python3-config make -j
# If using anaconda, you also need to add /path/to/anaconda/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running the renderer
./test-rectangle.bin [egl/headless/glfw] # a small tool to verify that rendering works
./objview.bin xx.obj # viewer (require a display to show images)
./objview-suncg.bin xx.obj ModelCategoryMapping.csv colormap_coarse.csv # viewer in SUNCG mode
./objview-offline.bin xx.obj # render without display (to test its availability on server)
cd /path/to/House3DRepo/tests
export PYTHONPATH=..
python test-rendering.py /path/to/suncg/house/house.obj
Certain executables (e.g. objview.bin
) use on-screen rendering, which requires
a screen/display to show the images.
and the Python API both use off-screen rendering, and has
the following two options on Linux:
When the environment variable "DISPLAY" exists, the variable is used to connect to an X11 server, and the GLX rendering backend will be used. Note that:
- This method does not require a discrete GPU.
- If the X11 server is connected to a discrete or integrated GPU, the GPU will be used. On machines with >1 GPUs, it can only use the one connected to the X11 server.
- If not (e.g. xvfb, vnc), software rendering (mesa) will be used with a very low framerate.
- Certain types of X session (e.g. a ssh-forwarded X session, a VNC session, a session inside docker) may not
support the necessary render features needed.
On Linux, you can use
./test-rectangle.bin headless
to test the availability of GLX backend. If not available, make sure tounset DISPLAY
to disable the GLX backend.
- This method does not require a discrete GPU.
Otherwise, it will use the EGL rendering backend, which requires a decent Nvidia GPU & driver. It also has the option to choose which GPU to use, therefore you can run multiple rendering instances on multiple GPUs.
You can also force the use of EGL backend (regardless of
) byexport HOUSE3D_FORCE_EGL=1
On Mac, it will always use the CGL backend.
Use the following script to benchmark:
python benchmark-rendering-multiprocess.py /path/to/suncg/house/house.obj --num-proc 5 --num-gpu 1
The command prints per-process framerate. The total framerate should reach 1.5k ~ 2.5k frames per second on a decent Nvidia GPU. It also scales well to multiple GPUs if used with the EGL backend.
Please tell us the following if you encounter any build issues or the code fails to run:
- Your environment (hardware, OS, driver version).
- How you install dependencies and how you build (the commands you run).
- The full error logs you observed.
- After bulid,
directory and run./debug-build.sh
. Include the results in your issue. - If you've successfully built some binaries, please include the output of the
two commands:
./test-rectangle.bin egl
,./test-rectangle.bin headless
Remember to tell us what you observed by pasting them in full, not by describing them with words.
Assertion "glGetString(GL_VERSION)" FAILED
: try building with libglvnd as mentioned in dependencies.undefined symbol: _ZTVNSt7__cxx1119basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
: C++ ABI incompatibility.- "dynamic module does not define init function": compile-time and run-time python version does not match.
- X server error: don't ssh with X forwarding. Make sure there is no "DISPLAY" environment variable.
- "Framebuffer is not complete!". Possible reasons include:
incorrectly set, causing the binary to load a different OpenGL library at run time.ErrorCode=0
: try building with libglvnd as mentioned in dependenciesErrorCode=36061
with GLX backend inside docker or ssh: your X session does not support required GLX features. Use EGL instead.ErrorCode=36061
: when open too many instances of renderer: A driver bug. The corresponding issue has more details.
- "[EGL] eglQueryDevicesEXT() cannot find any EGL devices" or "Failed to get function pointer of eglQueryDevicesEXT": EGL not functioning. There could be multiple reasons:
- Linking against a wrong
instead of the one provided by nvidia driver. This is most likely. - GPU or driver does not support EGL.
- Running inside container (e.g. docker) with an old driver may also result in such error.
- Driver not fully installed: did not include the vendor file (typically in
) for libglvnd.
- Driver not fully installed: did not include the vendor file (typically in
- Linking against a wrong