This is a Quarto extension that renders a PDF of a dissertation/thesis that roughly follows the Vanderbilt University Dissertation template. I created it by building upon the work of Dr. Alberto Guzman's template for Pitt.
The extension primarily works using Quarto and a series of LaTeX partials found in the tex
folder. To use, you will need to modify within the tex folder:
: add your acknowledgements. If you don't want this page, comment out the line$_acknowledgements.tex()$
: adjust the year. If you don't want this page, comment out the line$_copyright.tex()$
: add your dedication. If you don't want this page, comment out the line$_copyright.tex()$
: only change your major and committee member names
The template was created to be used for a 3-paper dissertation/thesis, although it can be easily modified to accommodate a traditional dissertation – just swap the .qmd files with your dissertation chapters.
Some things may not be quite up to standards; please make sure you review the Vanderbilt graduate school guidliens for formatting dissertations.
(I'm not sure if the below will work, will test at some point).
To use this extension, navigate to your desired directory and type the following command in your terminal:
quarto use template fcmeyer/vu-quarto-dissertation
If you already have an existing Quarto project or document, you may add the template by typing the following in your terminal:
quarto add fcmeyer/vu-quarto-dissertation
From the original author:
Writing my dissertation in Quarto was both exciting and challenging, given that Quarto had just been released. However, I believe Quarto is an amazing tool for creating reproducible dissertations. I plan on gradually creating documentation for this template, but I also welcome the help of contributors! Happy Writing!