Fingerprint is a device intelligence platform offering 99.5% accurate visitor identification. Fingerprint Pro Server API allows you to get information about visitors and about individual events in a server environment. It can be used for data exports, decision-making, and data analysis scenarios. Server API is intended for server-side usage, it's not intended to be used from the client side, whether it's a browser or a mobile device.
This Go package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 3
- Package version: 7.2.0-test.1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.go.GoClientCodegen
Go Lang 1.21 or higher
We keep the Go support policy and support the last two major versions of Go.
- Get the package from GitHub:
go get
- Import and use the library:
package main
import (
func main() {
cfg := sdk.NewConfiguration()
client := sdk.NewAPIClient(cfg)
// You can also use sdk.RegionUS or sdk.RegionAsia. Default one is sdk.RegionUS
// Configure authorization, in our case with API Key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sdk.ContextAPIKey, sdk.APIKey{
// Usually this data will come from your frontend app
visitorId := "<VISITOR_ID>"
requestId := "<REQUEST_ID>"
opts := sdk.FingerprintApiGetVisitsOpts{
RequestId: requestId,
visits, httpRes, err := client.FingerprintApi.GetVisits(auth, visitorId, &opts)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", httpRes)
if err != nil {
var tooManyRequestsError *sdk.TooManyRequestsError
if errors.As(err, &tooManyRequestsError) {
log.Fatalf("Too many requests, retry after %d seconds", tooManyRequestsError.RetryAfter())
} else {
// You can also use err.Model() and err.Body() to get more details about the error
log.Printf("Error %s: %v", err.Code(), err)
fmt.Printf("Got response with visitorId: %s", visits.VisitorId)
event, httpRes, err := client.FingerprintApi.GetEvent(auth, requestId)
if err != nil {
// You can also use err.Model() and err.Body() to get more details about the error
log.Printf("Error %s: %v", err.Code(), err)
if event.Products.Identification != nil {
fmt.Printf("Got response with Identification: %v", event.Products.Identification)
Note You can also check examples located in example directory. To run the examples:
cd example && FINGERPRINT_API_KEY=SECRET_API_KEY VISITOR_ID=VISITOR_ID_EXAMPLE go run getVisits.goAlternatively, you can define your environment variables inside
file and run the examples without passing them as arguments. If your subscription region is not the “Global/US” region, useREGION=eu
in the line above or in your local.env
If your subscription is in region other than US, you need to change the region in the configuration:
import (
func main() {
cfg := sdk.NewConfiguration()
cfg.ChangeRegion(sdk.RegionEU) // or sdk.RegionAsia
This SDK provides utility methods for decoding sealed results. Install the sealed results dependency as below:
go get
Then you can use below code to unseal results:
package main
import (
// Utility function to decode base64 string
func base64Decode(input string) []byte {
output, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(input)
if err != nil {
return output
func main() {
// Sealed result from the frontend.
sealedResult := base64Decode(os.Getenv("BASE64_SEALED_RESULT"))
// Base64 encoded key generated in the dashboard.
key := base64Decode(os.Getenv("BASE64_SEALED_RESULT_KEY"))
keys := []sealed.DecryptionKey{
// You can provide more than one key to support key rotation. The SDK will try to decrypt the result with each key.
Key: key,
Algorithm: sealed.AlgorithmAES256GCM,
unsealedResponse, err := sealed.UnsealEventsResponse(sealedResult, keys)
if err != nil {
// Do something with unsealed response, e.g: send it back to the frontend.
This SDK provides utility method for verifing the HMAC signature of the incoming webhook request. Install the webhook dependency as below:
go get
Then you can use below code to verify signature:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Your webhook signing secret.
secret := "secret"
// Request data. In real life scenario this will be the body of incoming request
data := []byte("data")
// Value of the "fpjs-event-signature" header.
header := "v1=1b2c16b75bd2a870c114153ccda5bcfca63314bc722fa160d690de133ccbb9db"
isValid := webhook.IsValidWebhookSignature(header, data, secret)
if !isValid {
panic("Invalid signature")
To learn more, refer to example located in example/sealedResults.go.
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
FingerprintApi | DeleteVisitorData | Delete /visitors/{visitor_id} | Delete data by visitor ID |
FingerprintApi | GetEvent | Get /events/{request_id} | Get event by request ID |
FingerprintApi | GetRelatedVisitors | Get /related-visitors | Get Related Visitors |
FingerprintApi | GetVisits | Get /visitors/{visitor_id} | Get visits by visitor ID |
FingerprintApi | SearchEvents | Get /events/search | Get events via search |
FingerprintApi | UpdateEvent | Put /events/{request_id} | Update an event with a given request ID |
- Botd
- BotdBot
- BotdBotResult
- BrowserDetails
- ClonedApp
- DeprecatedGeolocation
- DeveloperTools
- Emulator
- ErrorCode
- ErrorPlainResponse
- ErrorResponse
- EventsGetResponse
- EventsUpdateRequest
- FactoryReset
- Frida
- Geolocation
- GeolocationCity
- GeolocationContinent
- GeolocationCountry
- GeolocationSubdivision
- HighActivity
- Identification
- IdentificationConfidence
- IdentificationSeenAt
- Incognito
- IpBlocklist
- IpBlocklistDetails
- IpInfo
- IpInfoAsn
- IpInfoDataCenter
- IpInfoV4
- IpInfoV6
- Jailbroken
- LocationSpoofing
- ModelError
- PrivacySettings
- ProductBotd
- ProductClonedApp
- ProductDeveloperTools
- ProductEmulator
- ProductFactoryReset
- ProductFrida
- ProductHighActivity
- ProductIdentification
- ProductIncognito
- ProductIpBlocklist
- ProductIpInfo
- ProductJailbroken
- ProductLocationSpoofing
- ProductPrivacySettings
- ProductProxy
- ProductRawDeviceAttributes
- ProductRemoteControl
- ProductRootApps
- ProductSuspectScore
- ProductTampering
- ProductTor
- ProductVelocity
- ProductVirtualMachine
- ProductVpn
- Products
- Proxy
- RawDeviceAttribute
- RawDeviceAttributeError
- RelatedVisitor
- RelatedVisitorsResponse
- RemoteControl
- RootApps
- SearchEventsResponse
- SearchEventsResponseEvents
- SuspectScore
- Tampering
- Tor
- Velocity
- VelocityData
- VelocityIntervals
- VirtualMachine
- Visit
- VisitorsGetResponse
- Vpn
- VpnConfidence
- VpnMethods
- Webhook
- WebhookClonedApp
- WebhookDeveloperTools
- WebhookEmulator
- WebhookFactoryReset
- WebhookFrida
- WebhookHighActivity
- WebhookIpBlocklist
- WebhookIpInfo
- WebhookJailbroken
- WebhookLocationSpoofing
- WebhookPrivacySettings
- WebhookProxy
- WebhookRemoteControl
- WebhookRootApps
- WebhookSuspectScore
- WebhookTampering
- WebhookTor
- WebhookVelocity
- WebhookVirtualMachine
- WebhookVpn
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Auth-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: URL query string
To report problems, ask questions, or provide feedback, please use Issues. If you need private support, you can email us at [email protected].
This project is licensed under the MIT license.