For me Ionic 3 is one of the best Angular 2+ UI Frameworks for Mobile Apps in combination with Apache Cordova. This list contains no tutorials, external help pages, tips and tricks.
This list is only filled with real components and tools that you can use immediately. So enjoy it!
It should help you to get awesome components and plugins for Ionic2. It contains of course also a lot of Angular2 stuff.
- Calendar
- Calendar
- Calendar
- Calendar
- Calendar
(very powerful)
- Calendar - Fullcalendar
- Calendar
- Datepicker
- Rating
- Inputfield Mask
- Signatur
works perfect with
- Image Fallback
- Lazy Load
- Image Loader
- Facebook Gallery
- Image Viewer
- Gallery Modal
- Image Zoom
- Lazy image loader
- Charts
- D3 Approaches
- Social Login (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn
- Support for OAuth 2 and OpenId Connect (OIDC) in Angular.
- Auth with Token
- Auth with ionic2 SDK
- Salesforce Rest API
- Firebase Rest API
- Google Maps
- JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Analytics (Google, Piwik, Kissmetrics and more)
- Github Auth
- PouchDB
- Wordpress
- Amazon - AWS
- Facebook Wrapper
- Microsoft Emotion API
- Pokémons API
(Pokémons - no joke!)
- Codepush & Ionic2
- SQL Interface
- Redux
- Cordova File Transfer
- Update your App
- NFC Demo
- Fullscreen Content
- Card Layout
- Ionic 2
- Ionic 2 Advanced Components
- ORC Scan App
based on ocrad.js
- App Evangelist my own Homepage/App with (in progress)
- mHUD - Car App
Speed tracking
- Restaurant App
- Conference App
- Realty
- Firebase Chat App
- Ecommerce App
- Conference App based on Lanyrd API
- Stock Tracking App
- Wordpress Client
- Media Player
- Social App
- Push Notification
- Weather app
- Reddit Reader
- YouTube
- Freshlypressed API App
- Geo Fence
- Image Gallery
- Real-World App
- Bwitter - Twitter
- Inoffical "Myki" App
- Timer App
- Component Examples
- Chat Examples
- Indexed Scroll Examples