中文 | English
A library for quickly searching files on an NTFS volume.
- Quickly scan all files on NTFS formatted drives
- Real-time quick synchronization of file changes (creation, renaming, deletion)
- Support for wildcard queries for file names or file paths
- Automatic file update upon restart, no need to perform a full disk scan again
Initialize and specify the drive you are concerned with.
// // @brief: Initialize(Drive Mask) // @param: dwDriveIndexMask Drive index mask.(Bit combination: C: 0x01 D: 0x02 E: 0x04...) // @param: strDbPath Database file path // @param: fRebuildDb Whether to rebuild the database // @ret: BOOL Whether the operation was successful. BOOL NTFS_Search_Initialize_By_Drive_Mask( DWORD dwDriveIndexMask, LPCTSTR lpDbPath, bool fRebuildDb ); // // @brief: Initialize(Drive Letter) // @param: strDriveList Drive list, Such as: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" // @param: strDbPath Database file path // @param: fRebuildDb Whether to rebuild the database // @ret: BOOL Whether the operation was successful. BOOL NTFS_Search_Initialize_By_Drive_Letter( LPCTSTR lpDriveList, LPCTSTR lpDbPath, bool fRebuildDb );
Reset and specify the drive you are concerned with.
// // @brief: Reset(Drive Mask) // @param: dwDriveIndexMask Drive index mask.(Bit combination: C: 0x01 D: 0x02 E: 0x04...) // @param: strDbPath Database file path // @param: fRebuildDb Whether to rebuild the database // @ret: BOOL Whether the operation was successful. NTFSSEARCH_API BOOL NTFS_Search_Reset_By_Drive_Mask( DWORD dwDriveIndexMask, LPCTSTR lpDbPath, bool fRebuildDb ); // // @brief: Reset(Drive Letter) // @param: strDriveList Drive list, Such as: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" // @param: strDbPath Database file path // @param: fRebuildDb Whether to rebuild the database // @ret: BOOL Whether the operation was successful. NTFSSEARCH_API BOOL NTFS_Search_Reset_By_Drive_Letter( LPCTSTR lpDriveList, LPCTSTR lpDbPath, bool fRebuildDb );
Get the current total number of files.
// // @brief: Get the current total number of files. // @ret: LONGLONG Current total number of files NTFSSEARCH_API LONGLONG NTFS_Search_GetCount();
Search for files, supporting wildcards (* matches 0 or more characters, ? matches 1 character).
// // @brief: Query file path. // @param: lpKeyword Keyword, such as: "C:\*.zip" // @param: cb Query callback function (return FALSE to terminate result enumeration). // @param: lpData Callback function additional parameters // @ret: BOOL Whether the operation was successful. NTFSSEARCH_API BOOL NTFS_Search_Query( LPCTSTR lpKeyword, NtfsSearchCallback cb, LPVOID lpData );
// // @brief: Uninitialize // @ret: void Whether the operation was successful. NTFSSEARCH_API VOID NTFS_Search_Uninitialize();
Good performance
- Full disk scan of 770,000 files takes about 13 seconds
- Searching for * takes 1.3 seconds
- Searching for *.zip takes 0.2 seconds
Low memory usage
- Memory usage for 770,000 files is only around 100MB
Database file occupancy
- Database storage for 770,000 files occupies over 300MB of disk space
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../NTFS_Search_Lib/include/NTFS_Search_Api.h"
#ifdef _UNICODE
using _tstring = std::wstring;
using _tstring = std::string;
#ifndef _DEBUG
#ifndef _DEBUG
#ifdef _UNICODE
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma comment(lib, "../NTFS_Search_lib/lib/NTFS_Search_Lib_x64_W.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "../NTFS_Search_lib/lib/NTFS_Search_Lib_x86_W.lib")
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma comment(lib, "../NTFS_Search_lib/lib/NTFS_Search_Lib_x64_A.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "../NTFS_Search_lib/lib/NTFS_Search_Lib_x86_A.lib")
#ifdef _UNICODE
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma comment(lib, "../NTFS_Search_lib/lib/NTFS_Search_Lib_x64_WD.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "../NTFS_Search_lib/lib/NTFS_Search_Lib_x86_WD.lib")
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma comment(lib, "../NTFS_Search_lib/lib/NTFS_Search_Lib_x64_AD.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "../NTFS_Search_lib/lib/NTFS_Search_Lib_x86_AD.lib")
std::wstring _MultiStrToWStr(UINT CodePage, const std::string& str)
int cchWideChar = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, str.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0);
std::wstring strResult(cchWideChar, 0);
size_t nConverted = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, str.c_str(), (int)str.size(), &strResult[0], (int)strResult.size());
return strResult;
_tstring AStrToTStr(const std::string& str)
#ifdef _UNICODE
return _MultiStrToWStr(CP_ACP, str);
return str;
int _tmain(int argc, LPCTSTR argv[])
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
clock_t tmBegin = ::clock();
clock_t tmEnd = ::clock();
_tstring strDriveList = _T("");
_tstring strDbPath = _T("");
// Initialize
NTFS_Search_Initialize_By_Drive_Letter(strDriveList.c_str(), strDbPath.c_str(), false);
if (0 == NTFS_Search_GetCount())
_tprintf(_T("Scan the specified drive: %s\n"), strDriveList.c_str());
tmBegin = ::clock();
NTFS_Search_Reset_By_Drive_Letter(strDriveList.c_str(), strDbPath.c_str(), true);
tmEnd = ::clock();
_tprintf(_T("Scanning Time Taken: %dms\n"), tmEnd - tmBegin);
_tstring strKey;
while (true)
char szBuf[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
_tprintf(_T("File count: %llu\n"), NTFS_Search_GetCount());
_tprintf(_T("Command: \n"));
_tprintf(_T(" :r Rescan, such as: :r\n"));
_tprintf(_T(" :: Rescan the specified drive, such as: ::CDEF\n"));
_tprintf(_T(" :q Quit, such as: :q\n"));
_tprintf(_T("Find keyword: "));
while (strKey.empty())
gets_s(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf));
strKey = AStrToTStr(szBuf);
if (0 == _strnicmp(szBuf, "::", 2))
strDriveList = strKey.substr(2);
_tprintf(_T("Rescan the specified drive: %s\n"), strDriveList.c_str());
tmBegin = ::clock();
NTFS_Search_Reset_By_Drive_Letter(strDriveList.c_str(), strDbPath.c_str(), true);
tmEnd = ::clock();
_tprintf(_T("Total time taken: %dms\n"), tmEnd - tmBegin);
if (0 == _stricmp(szBuf, ":r"))
tmBegin = ::clock();
NTFS_Search_Reset_By_Drive_Letter(strDriveList.c_str(), strDbPath.c_str(), true);
tmEnd = ::clock();
_tprintf(_T("Total time taken: %dms\n"), tmEnd - tmBegin);
if (0 == _stricmp(szBuf, ":q"))
std::vector<_tstring> fileList;
tmBegin = ::clock();
int nRes = NTFS_Search_Query(strKey.c_str(), [](LPVOID lpData, LPCTSTR lpPath) -> bool {
std::vector<_tstring>* pList = (std::vector<_tstring>*)lpData;
return true;
tmEnd = ::clock();
int nIndex = 0;
for (const auto& item : fileList)
_tprintf(_T("%d: %s\r\n"), ++nIndex, item.c_str());
if (nIndex >= 100)
_tprintf(_T("Time taken: %gs Number of files: %d \n"), (double)((tmEnd - tmBegin)) / 1000.0f, (int)fileList.size());
// Uninitialize
return 0;