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Global compiler: merge states using graph coloring & use reach of sta…
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…te instead of vlans wherever possible (#586)

* split compiler module into local compiler and global compiler
  • Loading branch information
smolkaj authored Oct 13, 2017
1 parent 643c41d commit dde51c3
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions .gitignore
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# auto generated files

# ppx/test
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57 changes: 29 additions & 28 deletions bench/src/
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@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
open Core
open Frenetic.Netkat.Syntax
open Benchmarking_Util
module Netkat = Frenetic.Netkat

let to_table = Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.to_table
let to_table = Netkat.Local_compiler.to_table

let print_flowtables tbls =
List.iter tbls ~f:(fun tbl ->
Expand All @@ -17,37 +18,37 @@ let dst_based_routing ~(in_file : string) ~(out_file : string) ~kind : unit =
| `Local -> PolicyGen.shortest_paths topo
| `Global -> PolicyGen.shortest_paths_global_policy topo in
printf "Dumping policy to JSON...\n%!";
let str = Frenetic.Netkat.Json.policy_to_json_string pol in
let str = Netkat.Json.policy_to_json_string pol in
Out_channel.with_file out_file ~f:(fun chan ->
Out_channel.output_string chan str)

let fattree_json ~(k : int) ~(out_file : string) : unit =
Out_channel.with_file out_file ~f:(fun chan ->
FatTree.fattree_routing ~k
|> Frenetic.Netkat.Json.policy_to_json_string
|> Netkat.Json.policy_to_json_string
|> Out_channel.output_string chan)

let pretty_json filename =
let pol = In_channel.with_file filename
|> Frenetic.Netkat.Pretty.pretty_assoc
|> Netkat.Pretty.pretty_assoc
print_endline (Frenetic.Netkat.Pretty.string_of_policy pol)
print_endline (Netkat.Pretty.string_of_policy pol)

let classbench ~(in_file : string) ~(out_file : string) : unit =
let pred = ClassBench.parse_classbench in_file in
let str = Frenetic.Netkat.Json.policy_to_json_string (Filter pred) in
let str = Netkat.Json.policy_to_json_string (Filter pred) in
Out_channel.with_file out_file ~f:(fun chan ->
Out_channel.output_string chan str)

let switches pol = match Frenetic.Netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy pol with
let switches pol = match Netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy pol with
| [] -> [1L]
| n -> n

let per_switch_compilation to_table compiler pol : int =
let switches = switches pol in
let switches_and_pols = switches
~f:(fun sw -> Frenetic.Netkat.Optimize.specialize_policy sw pol) in
~f:(fun sw -> Netkat.Optimize.specialize_policy sw pol) in
let tbl_lens = switches_and_pols
~f:(fun pol -> List.length (to_table 0L (compiler pol))) in
int_sum tbl_lens
Expand All @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ let compile compiler per_switch varorder tbl_opt debug filename =
| "false" -> false
| _ -> assert false in
let order =
let open Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.Field in
let open Netkat.Local_compiler.Field in
match varorder with
| "varorder-heuristic" -> `Heuristic
| "varorder-fattree" ->
Expand All @@ -85,40 +86,40 @@ let compile compiler per_switch varorder tbl_opt debug filename =
| _ -> assert false in
let to_table sw fdd = match tbl_opt with
| "tablegen-steffen" ->
Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.(to_table ~options:{default_compiler_options with optimize=true; dedup_flows=true } sw fdd)
Netkat.Local_compiler.(to_table ~options:{default_compiler_options with optimize=true; dedup_flows=true } sw fdd)
| "tablegen-naive" ->
Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.(to_table ~options:{default_compiler_options with optimize=false; dedup_flows=true } sw fdd)
Netkat.Local_compiler.(to_table ~options:{default_compiler_options with optimize=false; dedup_flows=true } sw fdd)
| _ -> assert false in
let to_table sw fdd = match is_debug with
| false -> to_table sw fdd
| true -> print_table to_table sw fdd in
let compiler_fun = match compiler with
| "global" ->
(fun pol ->
let fdd = Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.compile_global pol in
let fdd = Netkat.Global_compiler.compile pol in
(if not is_debug then
Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.to_dotfile fdd "");
Netkat.Local_compiler.to_dotfile fdd "");
| "local" ->
let opts =
{Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.default_compiler_options with
{Netkat.Local_compiler.default_compiler_options with
cache_prepare=`Empty} in
Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.compile_local ~options:opts
Netkat.Local_compiler.compile ~options:opts
| _ -> assert false in
let f = match per_switch with
| "big-fdd" -> big_fdd_compilation to_table compiler_fun
| "per-switch" -> per_switch_compilation to_table compiler_fun
| _ -> assert false in
let pol = In_channel.with_file filename
~f:Frenetic.Netkat.Json.pol_of_json_channel in
~f:Netkat.Json.pol_of_json_channel in
let (compile_time, tbl_size) = profile (fun () -> f pol) in
printf "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%f\n" filename compiler per_switch varorder tbl_opt tbl_size compile_time

let policy_size filename =
let pol = In_channel.with_file filename
~f:Frenetic.Netkat.Json.pol_of_json_channel in
let size = Frenetic.Netkat.Semantics.size pol in
~f:Netkat.Json.pol_of_json_channel in
let size = Netkat.Semantics.size pol in
printf "%s,%d\n" filename size

Expand All @@ -128,21 +129,21 @@ let sdx filename =
let open Yojson.Basic.Util in
assert (json |> member "type" |> to_string = "disjoint");
json |> member "pols" |> to_list
|> ~f:Frenetic.Netkat.Json.pol_of_json in
let open Frenetic.Netkat.Pretty in
|> ~f:Netkat.Json.pol_of_json in
let open Netkat.Pretty in
(* let _ = List.iteri pols ~f:(fun i pol -> *)
(* string_of_policy pol |> printf "Policy %d:\n%s\n\n%!" i) in *)
let order =
let open Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.Field in
let open Netkat.Local_compiler.Field in
`Static [ Location; EthDst; TCPSrcPort; TCPDstPort; IP4Src; EthType; Switch; IP4Dst;
EthSrc; Vlan; VlanPcp; IPProto; VSwitch; VPort; VFabric; Meta0; Meta1; Meta2; Meta3; Meta4 ] in
(* eprintf "Number of elements in disjoint union: %d\n%!" (List.length pols); *)
let f pol =
let opts = { Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.default_compiler_options with
let opts = { Netkat.Local_compiler.default_compiler_options with
field_order = order;
optimize = true } in
let tbl = Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.to_table ~options:opts 0L
(Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.compile_local ~options:opts pol) in
let tbl = Netkat.Local_compiler.to_table ~options:opts 0L
(Netkat.Local_compiler.compile ~options:opts pol) in
(* eprintf "Table:\n%s\n%!" (Frenetic.OpenFlow.string_of_flowTable tbl); *)
List.length tbl in
let (compile_time, tbl_size) = profile (fun () ->
Expand All @@ -152,12 +153,12 @@ let sdx filename =
let dot_to_virtual ~in_file =
let topo = PolicyGen.parse_topo_file ~log:false in_file in
let (vpol, vrel, vtopo, vingpol, vinout, ptopo, pinout) = PolicyGen.big_switch ~topo in
let open Frenetic.Netkat.Pretty in
let open Netkat.Pretty in
let open Out_channel in
let () = () in
List.iter [("vpol", vpol); ("vtopo", vtopo); ("vingpol", vingpol); ("ptopo", ptopo)]
List.iter [("vpol", vpol); ("vtopo", vtopo); ("ving_pol", vingpol); ("ptopo", ptopo)]
~f:(fun (file, pol) -> write_all (file ^ ".kat") ~data:(string_of_policy pol));
List.iter [("vrel", vrel); ("vinout", vinout); ("pinout", pinout)]
List.iter [("vrel", vrel); ("ving", vinout); ("veg", vinout); ("ping", pinout); ("peg", pinout)]
~f:(fun (file, pred) -> write_all (file ^ ".kat") ~data:(string_of_pred pred))

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions examples/global/coloring.kat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
(* Ideally, this policy should not require the use of any tags.
Switch 2 should match on the ip4Dst to forward packets appropriately.

filter switch=1;(
filter ip4Dst=; port:=2; 1@2=>2@1; port:=2 +
filter ip4Dst=; port:=2; 1@2=>2@1; port:=3
37 changes: 19 additions & 18 deletions frenetic/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
open Core
module Netkat = Frenetic.Netkat


let parse_pol ?(json=false) file =
match json with
| false -> Frenetic.Netkat.Parser.pol_of_file file
| false -> Netkat.Parser.pol_of_file file
| true ->
In_channel.create file
|> Frenetic.Netkat.Json.pol_of_json_channel
|> Netkat.Json.pol_of_json_channel

let parse_pred file = Frenetic.Netkat.Parser.pred_of_file file
let parse_pred file = Netkat.Parser.pred_of_file file

let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout
let _ = Format.pp_set_margin fmt 120

let print_fdd fdd =
printf "%s\n" (Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.to_string fdd)
printf "%s\n" (Netkat.Local_compiler.to_string fdd)

let dump data ~file =
Out_channel.write_all file ~data

let dump_fdd fdd ~file =
dump ~file (Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.to_dot fdd)
dump ~file (Netkat.Local_compiler.to_dot fdd)

let dump_auto auto ~file =
dump ~file (Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.Automaton.to_dot auto)
dump ~file (Netkat.Global_compiler.Automaton.to_dot auto)

let print_table fdd sw =
Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.to_table sw fdd
Netkat.Local_compiler.to_table sw fdd
|> Frenetic.OpenFlow.string_of_flowTable ~label:(sprintf "Switch %Ld" sw)
|> printf "%s\n"

Expand All @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ let print_time ?(prefix="") time =
printf "%scompilation time: %.4f\n" prefix time

let print_order () =
Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.Field.(get_order ()
Netkat.Local_compiler.Field.(get_order ()
|> ~f:to_string
|> String.concat ~sep:" > "
|> printf "FDD field ordering: %s\n")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,9 +166,9 @@ module Local = struct

let run file nr_switches printfdd dumpfdd no_tables json printorder () =
let pol = parse_pol ~json file in
let (t, fdd) = time (fun () -> Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.compile_local pol) in
let (t, fdd) = time (fun () -> Netkat.Local_compiler.compile pol) in
let switches = match nr_switches with
| None -> Frenetic.Netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy pol
| None -> Netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy pol
| Some n -> List.range 0 n |> ~f:Int64.of_int
if Option.is_none nr_switches && List.is_empty switches then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,8 +199,8 @@ module Global = struct

let run file printfdd dumpfdd printauto dumpauto no_tables json printorder () =
let pol = parse_pol ~json file in
let (t, fdd) = time (fun () -> Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.compile_global pol) in
let switches = Frenetic.Netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy pol in
let (t, fdd) = time (fun () -> Netkat.Global_compiler.compile pol) in
let switches = Netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy pol in
if printorder then print_order ();
if printfdd then print_fdd fdd;
if dumpfdd then dump_fdd fdd ~file:(file ^ ".dot");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,17 +244,17 @@ module Virtual = struct
let peg = parse_pred peg in

(* compile *)
let module FG = Frenetic.Netkat.FabricGen.FabricGen in
let module Virtual = Frenetic.Netkat.Virtual_Compiler.Make(FG) in
let module FG = Netkat.FabricGen.FabricGen in
let module Virtual = Netkat.Virtual_Compiler.Make(FG) in
let (t1, global_pol) = time (fun () ->
Virtual.compile vpol ~log:true ~vrel ~vtopo ~ving_pol ~ving ~veg ~ptopo ~ping ~peg) in
let (t2, fdd) = time (fun () -> Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.compile_global global_pol) in
let (t2, fdd) = time (fun () -> Netkat.Global_compiler.compile global_pol) in

(* print & dump *)
let switches = Frenetic.Netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy global_pol in
let switches = Netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy global_pol in
if printglobal then begin
Format.fprintf fmt "Global Policy:@\n@[%a@]@\n@\n"
Frenetic.Netkat.Pretty.format_policy global_pol
Netkat.Pretty.format_policy global_pol
if printorder then print_order ();
if printfdd then print_fdd fdd;
Expand All @@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ module Auto = struct
let run file json printorder dedup cheap_minimize () =
let pol = parse_pol ~json file in
let (t, auto) = time (fun () ->
Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.Automaton.of_policy pol ~dedup ~cheap_minimize) in
Netkat.Global_compiler.Automaton.of_policy pol ~dedup ~cheap_minimize) in
if printorder then print_order ();
dump_auto auto ~file:(file ^ "");
print_time t;
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions frenetic/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open Core
module Netkat = Frenetic.Netkat

Expand All @@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ let log_outputs : (string * Async.Log.Output.t Lazy.t) Command.Spec.Arg_type.t =
| "stdout" -> ("stdout", lazy (Async_extended.Extended_log.Console.output (Lazy.force Async.Writer.stdout)))
| filename -> (filename, lazy (Async.Log.Output.file `Text filename)) )

let table_fields : Frenetic.Netkat.Compiler.flow_layout Command.Spec.Arg_type.t =
let open Frenetic.Netkat.Fdd.Field in
let table_fields : Netkat.Local_compiler.flow_layout Command.Spec.Arg_type.t =
let open Netkat.Fdd.Field in
(fun table_field_string ->
let opts = [ ("switch", Switch); ("vlan", Vlan); ("pcp", VlanPcp);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ module Flag = struct
~doc:"int Port to listen on for OpenFlow switches. Defaults to 6633."

let table_fields =
flag "--table" (optional_with_default [Frenetic.Netkat.Fdd.Field.get_order ()] table_fields)
flag "--table" (optional_with_default [Netkat.Fdd.Field.get_order ()] table_fields)
~doc:"Partition of fields into Openflow 1.3 tables, e.g. ethsrc,ethdst;ipsrc,ipdst"

let policy_file =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ let portless_controller : Command.t =
++ default_spec)
(fun openflow_port topology_name topology_file policy_file ->
run (
let pol = Frenetic.Netkat.Parser.Portless.pol_of_file policy_file in
let pol = Netkat.Parser.Portless.pol_of_file policy_file in

(* If the topology_name is specified, use that. If not, use the topology_file. *)
let topo = match topology_name with
Expand All @@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ let portless_controller : Command.t =

let module Controller = Frenetic.Async.NetKAT_Controller.Make (Frenetic.Async.OpenFlow0x01_Plugin) in
Controller.start openflow_port;
Frenetic.Netkat.Portless_Compiler.compile pol topo
Netkat.Portless_Compiler.compile pol topo
|> Controller.update
|> Async.Deferred.don't_wait_for;
never_returns (Async.Scheduler.go ());
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/async/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ let parse_update_json body =

let parse_config_json body =
Body.to_string body >>= fun str ->
return (Frenetic_netkat.Compiler.options_from_json_string str)
return (Frenetic_netkat.Local_compiler.options_from_json_string str)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions lib/async/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Cohttp_async
open Frenetic_netkat.Syntax
module Server = Cohttp_async.Server
open Common
module Comp = Frenetic_netkat.Compiler
module Comp = Frenetic_netkat.Local_compiler

let policy = ref Frenetic_netkat.Syntax.drop

Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ let current_compiler_options = ref { Comp.default_compiler_options with optimize
let compile_respond pol =
(* Compile pol to tables and time everything. *)
let (time, tbls) = profile (fun () ->
let fdd = Comp.compile_local ~options:!current_compiler_options pol in
let fdd = Comp.compile ~options:!current_compiler_options pol in
let sws =
let sws = Frenetic_netkat.Semantics.switches_of_policy pol in
if List.length sws = 0 then [0L] else sws in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let handle_request
Cohttp_async.Server.respond `OK)
| `GET, [switchId; "flow_table"] ->
let sw = Int64.of_string switchId in
Comp.compile_local ~options:!current_compiler_options !policy |>
Comp.compile ~options:!current_compiler_options !policy |>
Comp.to_table ~options:!current_compiler_options sw |>
Frenetic_netkat.Json.flowTable_to_json |>
Yojson.Basic.to_string ~std:true |>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/async/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Cohttp_async
open Frenetic_netkat.Syntax
open Common
module Server = Cohttp_async.Server
module Comp = Frenetic_netkat.Compiler
module Comp = Frenetic_netkat.Local_compiler

type client = {
(* Write new policies to this node *)
Expand Down

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