Frox helps to maintain the state of Java / Android apps.
We have a nice video to explain how the Grox sample app works.
Visit the Grox wiki
Grox provides developers with the basic bricks to:
- create a state of a UI / Application
- perform pure changes on this state,
- be notified of state changes (i.e. to update the UI)
- perform other "side-effects" operations (network calls, manipulating files, etc.)
- log, persist, create an history of states and state changes
Very simple example:
//create a store with an initial state
Store<String> store = new Store<>("Hello");
//when the store's state changes, update your UI
//start dispatching actions to your store...
store.dispatch(oldState -> oldState + " Grox");
A command example
public class RefreshResultRxAction implements RxAction {
public Observable<Action> actions() {
return getResultFromServer() //via retrofit
.map(ChangeResultAction::new) //convert all your results into actions
.onErrorReturn(ErrorAction::new) //including errors
.startWith(fromCallable(RefreshAction::new)); //and progress
//then use your RxAction via Rx + RxBinding
.map(click -> new RefreshResulRxAction())
Browse Grox sample for more details.
//note that Grox is also available without Rx dependencies
implementation 'com.groupon.grox:grox-core-rx:x.y.z'
//Grox commands artifacts do depend on Rx (1 or 2)
implementation 'com.groupon.grox:grox-commands-rx:x.y.z'
implementation 'com.groupon.grox:grox-commands-rx2:x.y.z'
The main features of Grox are:
- unify state management. All parts of an app, all screens for instance, can use Grox to unify their handling of state.
- allows time travel debugging, undo, redo, logging, etc. via middlewares.
- simple API. Grox is inspired by Redux & Flux but offers a simpler approach.
- easily integrated with Rx1 and 2. Note that it is also possible to use Grox without Rx.
- Grox only relies on a few concepts: States, Actions, Stores, MiddleWare.
The following people have been active contributors to the first version of Grox:
- Shaheen Ghiassy
- Michael Ma
- Matthijs Mullender
- Turcu Alin
- Samuel Guirado Navarro
- Keith Smyth
- Stephane Nicolas
Grox - Java library for state management, inspired by Flux, Redux, Cycle, and Rx Managed State.