Talk is cheap, Show me the code.
At first, you can install the cli tools by following commands:
npm i -g @fujia/cli-core
# or using yarn
yarn global add @fujia/cli-core
then, to initial a project with the template via above cli tools:
# step1. create project folder
mkdir [project name]; cd $_;
# step2. initial project via the template
stage init
# step3. select "custom" option.
# step4. input the template info.
# if we want to add custom template, e.g.
# ? Please select the template type: custom
# ? there is no custom template, whether to create one now: Yes
# ? please input template name: frontend-practice
# ? please input the template corresponding package name: @fujia/frontend-practice-template
# ? please input the template version: latest
# ? please input template install command: yarn
# ? please input template start command: npm run dev
of course, if you don't want to install @fujia/cli-core in global scope, it can initial a project quickly by following commands:
# step1. create project folder
mkdir [project name]; cd $_;
# step2. initial project via the template
npm init stage@latest
# the other steps follow above.
That's all, the project will install the dependencies and devDependencies, then running automatically.
- Start the app in the dev environment:
npm run dev